' Terminate the program immediately End End Sub 2. 使用 Exit Sub 或Exit Function 如果你只想终止当前的过程或函数,而不影响其他代码的执行,可以使用 Exit Sub(对于子过程)或 Exit Function(对于函数)。这些语句会立即退出当前的过程或函数,返回到调用它的代码。 vba Sub TerminateWithExitSub() ' Some ...
0 Im trying to tweek some VBA code to terminate a program on my computer. But what am i doing wrong :) Sub Kill_SAP() Dim oServ As Object Dim cProc As Variant Dim oProc As Object Set oServ = GetObject("winmgmts:") Set procs = oServ.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process wh...
453.The file 'item' is marked as a version not supported by the current version of Visual Basic and won't be loaded文件“item”标记为不受当前 Visual Basic 版本的支持并且也不可加载 454.The file 'item' is out of date. This program requires a later version (Error 368)文件“项”过期。
There are various ways to terminate a Node.js application. 有多种方法可以终止Node.js应用程序。 When running a program in the console you can close it with ctrl-C, but what I want to discuss here is programmatically javascript if 终止流程 ...
There are various ways to terminate a Node.js application. 有多种方法可以终止Node.js应用程序。 When running a program in the console you can close it with ctrl-C, but what I want to discuss here is programmatically javascript if 终止流程 java linux python nodejs 转载 编程思想者 2023-09...
Template 模板 AUTONUM \* Arabic Undo 撤销 AUTONUM \* Arabic Spinner 微调控制项 AUTONUM \* Arabic Temporary 临时 | AUTONUM \* Arabic Unicode 万国码 AUTONUM \* Arabic Split 分裂 AUTONUM \* Arabic Terminate 终止 AUTONUM \* Arabic Uninstall 】卸载 AUTONUM \* Arabic Square 平方 AUTONUM \* Arabic...
Arabic Target目标 AUTONUM * Arabic Underline下划线 AUTONUM * Arabic Special特殊的 AUTONUM * Arabic Template模板 AUTONUM * Arabic Undo撤销 AUTONUM * Arabic Spinner微调控制项 AUTONUM * Arabic Temporary临时 AUTONUM * Arabic Unicode万国码 AUTONUM * Arabic Split分裂 AUTONUM * Arabic Terminate终止 AUTONUM *...
在此情況下,自訂表單之後的程式碼可使得事件程式碼繼續執行 (cmdYes) 或卸載表單,而且能夠在結束執行 (cmdNo) 時選擇將文件內容新增到檔案,防止使用者使用相同的檔案上時再次提示使用者 (chkDontFix)。此外,Terminate 程序會將值傳遞至事件程式碼,以指示它在使用者按一下標題列X關閉對話方塊時停止。
VBA End statement in VBA is a powerful tool used to terminate a procedure or block of code. As the name suggests, it signals the end of an execution and allows the program to jump to the next statement or procedure. In other words, it acts as a stopping point, indicating to the compi...
There are various ways to terminate a Node.js application. 有多种方法可以终止Node.js应用程序。 When running a program in the console you can close it with ctrl-C, but what I want to discuss here is programmatically javascript if 终止流程 java linux python nodejs 转载 编程思想者 2023-09...