If InStr(1, objProcess.CommandLine, strExcel, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then objProcess.Terminate End If Next '释放资源 Set objWMIService = Nothing Set colProcesses = Nothing End Sub 该代码遍历当前计算机上所有的进程名称,并关闭名为“excel.exe”的Excel进程。如果您需要在代码中适当修改进程名称,可以通过...
Terminate a running process. Terminates ALL running instances of a specified process by using WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation). For example: If 'notepad.exe' was the specified process (held in variable strTerminateThis), the code first checks to
In VBA, it is important to anticipate and handle errors that might occur during the execution of a loop. This is because a single error can cause the entire loop to terminate prematurely or produce incorrect results. One common way to handle errors is to use the “On Error” statement, wh...
Sort Excel table [VBA] Split values Search related tables Create comment if cell value is larger than column Select a cell Getting things done Normalize data [VBA] Add values to sheets Add values to table Add value to drop down Open Excel files Button on/off macro Automate data entry Data...
_"four"& vbTab &"five"& vbTab &"six"Text1.LinkPoke'Execute commands to select cell A1 (same as R1C1) and change the font formatText1.LinkExecute"[SELECT(""R1C1"")]"Text1.LinkExecute"[FONT.PROPERTIES(""Times New Roman"",""Bold"",10)]"'Terminate the DDE communicationText1....
"five" & vbTab & "six" Text1.LinkPoke 'Execute commands to select cell A1 (same as R1C1) and change the font format Text1.LinkExecute "[SELECT(""R1C1"")]" Text1.LinkExecute "[FONT.PROPERTIES(""Times New Roman"",""Bold"",10)]" 'Terminate the DDE communication Text1.LinkMode...
Depending on your version of VBA and Excel, this may result in an non-trappable Out Of Stack Space error or VBA will simply terminate execution when some threshold (approximately 300) number of calls is met. Consider, for example, the following code: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal ...
Example 1 – Exit a VBA Do While Loop For theDo Whileloop, we have taken the variableifrom1to10. If the variable is equal to5then theExit Docommand is executed and breaks the iterations. SubDo_While_Execution()DimiAsIntegeri=1DoWhilei<=10' print the current value of i to the Immedia...
Application.Interactive =FalseApplication.DisplayAlerts =FalsechannelNumber = Application.DDEInitiate( _ app:="WinWord", _ topic:="C:\WINWORD\FORMLETR.DOC") Application.DDEExecute channelNumber,"[FILEPRINT]"Application.DDETerminate channelNumber Application.DisplayAlerts =TrueApplication.Interactive =True ...
This will terminate the execution of the macro and stop the loop. Then reopen Excel and proceed without the stuck loop. Get FREE Advanced Excel Exercises with Solutions! Save 0 Tags: VBA Do While Rubayed Razib Suprov Rubayed Razib, holding a BSC degree in Naval Architecture & ...