strErrorDescr=Err.Description' -- Notify the user.strMessage="Error "&in4ErrorCode&" occurred while processing row "_&Format$(in4Row,"#,###,##0")&vbCrLf&strErrorDescr in4UserResponse=MsgBox(strMessage,vbRetryCancel)' --Ifin4UserResponse=vbRetryThenResumeElseResumeWkshtChg_ExitEndIfEndSub...
Write a macro name in theMacro Namebox and a description of your macro inDescription. ClickOK. The macro recording starts. SelectB6:B7and drag down theFill Handleicon. Click onStop Recordingand go toVisual Basic. This will show you the desired macro. Case 2 – Writing Macros in the Visual...
Handle Unread Emails (Optional): To handle only unread emails, you can add a condition at the beginning of the flow to check if the email is unread before processing it. To create such a flow, follow these steps: Go to the Power Automate portal ( and sign i...
If the "CalculationComplete" variable is true, it updates the string to show the total calculation time. It uses Application.StatusBar to set the Excel status bar message with the information we've just created. We can use the HPC macros that are already in place to update these values and...
If no error handling is in place, when an Access application crashes, you or your user are prompted with an End, Debug message box: Assuming you're not running an MDE, when you press Debug, you enter the IDE at the line where the crash occurred and have the opportunity to examine the...
Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message") Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") iConf.Load -1 Set Flds = iConf.Fields With Flds .Item("") = True .Item("") = 1 ...
"Project is Unviewable" error message while opening a locked Visual Basic for Applications project (VBA) in Microsoft Office Excel, PowerPoint or Word (Spanish version also shown)Unviewable+ ExplainedThe UnviewablePlus.exe is a portable Delphi application [it is not an Excel add-in]. It will ...
Me.ActionsPane.Controls.Clear() Select Case currentStep + nextStep Case 1 ' Show Step 1: Create and intialize the control and fill its ' data source. If step1 Is Nothing Then step1 = New SelectSender() step1.InitializeStep(1, False, "Select a sender:", _ Me.EmployeesBindingSource) ...
Me.ActionsPane.Controls.Clear() Select Case currentStep + nextStep Case 1 ' Show Step 1: Create and intialize the control and fill its ' data source. If step1 Is Nothing Then step1 = New SelectSender() step1.InitializeStep(1, False, "Select a sender:", _ Me.EmployeesBindingSource) ...
That is, using the streaming XML techniques in the System.Xml namespace is great when a cache of XML is unnecessary; but other processing tasks are better implemented using XSLT, and for that you must use an XML cache. Finally, XSLT has its own limitations, so I'll show you how to ...