Result = MsgBox("Do you want to save this file?", vbOKCancel) If Result = vbOK Then ActiveWorkbook.Save End Sub You can ask the user to save the workbook and if the user clicks on the OK button the macro code will save the workbook. 2. Insert a Table into a Message Box You can ...
示例 FunctionMessageBoxDemo()'Message Box with just prompt message 'MsgBox("欢迎您~")'Message Box with title, yes no and cancel Butttons 'result = MsgBox("你喜欢蓝色吗?",3,"选择一个选项")' Assume that you press No Button 'MsgBox ("返回 result 的值是:"&result)EndFunction Vb 输出结果 ...
i = InputBox("Enter Value", "Enter Serial Numbers") For i = 1 To i ActiveCell.Value = i ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate Next i Last:Exit Sub End Sub 此宏代码将帮助您在Excel工作表中自动添加序列号,如果您使用大数据,这对您有所帮助。要使用此代码,您需要选择要从中开始序列号的单元格,当...
# Java中的消息框 在Java编程中,消息框(Message Box)是一种常用的工具,用于在图形用户界面(GUI)中显示消息和对话框,以与用户进行交互。消息框可以用于显示警告、错误、信息或询问用户的选择。本文将介绍如何在Java中使用消息框,并提供一些示例代码。 ## Java中的消息框类 在Java中,有几个类可以用于创建和显示消...
CreateDraft_Exit:' Dereference external objects. [less likely important for' internal objects]SetobjAttachment=NothingSetobjMail=NothingSetobjOutlook=NothingExitSubCreateDraft_ErrHndlr:Dimin4ErrorCodeAsLongDimstrErrorDescrAsStringDimstrMessageAsStringDimin4UserResponseAsVbMsgBoxResult' -- Cap...
sReturn = InputBox(prompt [,title] [,default] [,xpos] [,ypos] [,helpfile] [,context]) Pressing Cancel If the user presses Cancel (or Esc), then a zero length string is returned. You can check for whether the Cancel (or Esc) key was pressed because the StrPtr of the result wil...
Public Sub TestIIf() ' Purpose: Demonstrate the use of the VBA IIF function. Dim iFirst As Integer Dim iSecond As Integer Dim sResult As String iFirst = 1 iSecond = 2 ' Use If...Else...End If to evaluate. If iFirst = 1 Then MsgBox Prompt:="i = 1" Else MsgBox Prompt:="i...
If the message box does not appear, check your macro security settings and restart Outlook. Making Macros Accessible If you use a macro frequently, you might find it more convenient to access it with a keyboard shortcut or aQuick Access Toolbarbutton. ...
‘error check; If the local node is not connected to the internet, display an error message If Result < 32 Then MsgBox "您需要连接服务器且具有互联网浏览器来显示自动化网站。" End If End Sub 3.打开帮助文档 Private Declare Function WinHelp Lib "user32" Alias "WinHelpA" (ByVal hwnd As Lo...