The first value is our active cell. The last value is ActiveCell.Offset(1,2). With the Offset property we’re moving 1 row down and 2 columns right. We’re selecting the range with the Range.Select method.Save it and close the window. Select cell B8. This is our active cell....
Find_Row_Number_of_an_Active_Cell() is the Sub procedure. The wSheet is declared as a Worksheet. The Set statement will select the active cell. Range will return the row number in the output cell. Select a cell and click as follows:Developer > Macros. Select the macro name and pressR...
Rows(8).Select 4. 如果想要选中多行,这么写: Rows("2:7").Select 5. 如果要选中多列,这么写: Columns("C:F").Select 6. 选中单元格B4, 下面的代码选中当前当前单元格B4所在的整行: ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select 7. 选中D7, 下面的代码在D7所在的列的第一个单元格中插入字符 “hello world"。 Acti...
表达式.Cells(RowIndex,ColumnIndex) 参数RowIndex、ColumnIndex行和列索引,如果不使用行和列索引,它将返回一个Range对象,代表活动工作表中所有的单元格。 通过Range属性引用单元格区域: 表达式.Range(Cell) 表达式.Range(Cell1,Cell2) 表达式可以是Worksheet对象或者Range对象,在第一种方法中,Cell是必选参数,而且必须...
Select All Sub ActiveCell_Example() ActiveCell.Value = "Hi!" End Sub This will input the valueHi!into the active cell. Example 1 - Single Cell User selects a single cell and runs the above macro: Example 2 - Multiple Cells/Range ...
Selection.EntireRow.AutoFit End Sub 与上面的宏类似,但是这个宏只会自动调整选定行的行高。 将选定单元格的格式复制到其他单元格 vba复制代码 Sub CopyFormat() Selection.Copy ' 选择你想要粘贴格式的单元格,然后运行下面的代码 ' Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats ...
MsgBox Cells(5, 2).Row Result: 7. Select cell D6. The following code line selects the entire row of the active cell. ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select Note: borders in the image for illustration only. 8. Select cell D6. The following code line enters the value 2 into the first cell of ...
是用于在Excel VBA中获取当前活动单元格所在的列号和行号的方法。 1. Active.cell.column:这是一个Excel VBA内置的属性,用于获取当前活动单元格所在的列号。它返回一个...