Sub SelectDown() Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select End Sub '从当前单元格到最右端(等同于xlEnd) Sub SelectToRight() Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlToRight)).Select End Sub '从当前单元格到最左端 Sub SelectToLeft() Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlToLeft)).Select End Sub 7...
示例Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 宏 Sub ConcatColumns() Do While ActiveCell <> "" 'Loops until the active cell is blank. 'The "&" must have a space on both sides or it will be 'treated as a variable type of long integer. ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).FormulaR1C1 = _ ActiveCell...
Columns(2).Select 3. 下面的代码选中第8行。 Rows(8).Select 4. 如果想要选中多行,这么写: Rows("2:7").Select 5. 如果要选中多列,这么写: Columns("C:F").Select 6. 选中单元格B4, 下面的代码选中当前当前单元格B4所在的整行: ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select 7. 选中D7, 下面的代码在D7所在的列...
示例Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 宏 Sub ConcatColumns() Do While ActiveCell <> "" 'Loops until the active cell is blank. 'The "&" must have a space on both sides or it will be 'treated as a variable type of long integer. ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).FormulaR1C1 =...
ActiveCell.offset(1, 0).Select Loop While ActiveCell.value <> Empty End Sub Sub SelectActiveColumn() '选择激活的单元格所在的列 If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Then Exit Sub On Error Resume Next If IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0)) Then Set TopCell = ActiveCell Else Set TopCell = ActiveCell.End...
如何在 Active Worksheet 上選取儲存格 若要選取使用中工作表上的儲存格 D5,您可以使用下列其中一個範例: VB ActiveSheet.Cells(5,4).Select-or- ActiveSheet.Range("D5").Select 如何在相同活頁簿的另一個工作表上選取儲存格 若要在相同活頁簿中的另一個工作表上選取儲存格 E6,您可以使用...
Range("1:4").Select ' 选择第1到4行 Range("A:C").Select ' 选择A到C列 Range("A:C").EntireColumn.Insert ' 在第1列左边插入三列空白列 使用Cells(row, column)(其中 row 是行号,column 是列标)可返回一个单元格。当工作表激活以后,使用 Cells 属性时不必明确声明工作表(它将返回活动工作表上的...
Selecting Cells on the Active Worksheet Activating a Cell Within a Selection When you work with Microsoft Excel, you usually select a cell or cells and then perform an action, such as formatting the cells or entering values in them. In Visual Basic, it is usually not necessary to select cel...
Using the Select Method and the Selection Property Selecting Cells on the Active Worksheet Activating a Cell Within a Selection When you work with Microsoft Excel, you usually select a cell or cells and then perform an action, such as formatting the cells or entering values in them. In Vis...
如果xlCellType为xlCellTypeConstants或xlCellTypeFormulas 之一,该参数用于确定结果中应包含哪些类型的单元格。将某几个值相加可使此方法返回多种形态的单元格。默认情况下将指定所有常数或公式,对其形态则不加类型。它可以是下列常数之一。 1. xlErrors xlLogical xlNumbers xlTextValues Sub SelectActiveArea() ...