Method 2 – Refer to a Cell Reference by Using the Index Numbers in VBA in Excel To access the cell with row number4and column number2(B4), use: Cells(4, 2)) The following code again selects cellB4of the active worksheet. It’ll select cellB4. Note:To access any cell of an inac...
Sub Basic_1() MsgBox Range("B5:F14").address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) End Sub Frequently Asked Questions Q1. What is the R1C1 address in Excel VBA? R1C1 is an alternative way to reference cells using row and column numbers. In R1C1 notation, R represents the row ...
Step 3:UseColumns.Selectproperty from VBA to select the first column from your worksheet. This actually has different ways, you can useColumns(1).Selectinitially. See the screenshot below: Code: SubExample_1() Columns(1).SelectEnd Sub The Columns property in this small piece of code specifi...
Select Case columnIndex / 26 Case Is <= 1 'Column ref is between A and Z firstLetter = Chr(columnIndex + 64) GetColumnRef = firstLetter Case Else 'Column ref has two letters remainder = columnIndex - 26 * (columnIndex \ 26) If remainder = 0 Then firstLetter = Chr(64 + (columnI...
Sub highlightCommentCells() Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeComments).Select Selection.Style= "Note" End Sub 若要突出显示所有带有注释的单元格,请使用此宏。 20. 在所选内容中突出显示替换行 Sub highlightAlternateRows() Dim rng As Range For Each rng In Selection.Rows If rng.Row Mod 2 = 1...
Sub highlightCommentCells() Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeComments).Select Selection.Style= "Note" End Sub 若要突出显示所有带有注释的单元格,请使用此宏。 20. 在所选内容中突出显示替换行 Sub highlightAlternateRows() Dim rng As Range For Each rng In Selection.Rows If rng.Row Mod 2 = 1 The...
In our case, lookup_number is the variable prodNum, which is similar to selecting a cell in Excel. The table_array, however, needs to be presented ina format that VBA can handle.Here we’ve used Range(“A1:B51”), which selects the cells in A1:B51. ...
firstLetter=Chr(64+(columnIndex\26)) secondLetter=Chr(64+remainder) GetColumnRef=firstLetter&secondLetter EndIf EndSelect End Function 如columnIndex为11则转换后的列名为K,columnIndex为111则转换后的列名为DG。 3. 将数组直接赋值给Columns PrivateSubCommandButton1_Click() ...
End If End SelectEnd Function 如columnIndex为11则转换后的列名为K,columnIndex为111则转换后的列名为DG。 3. 将数组直接赋值给Columns Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim MyArray(5) For i = 1 To 5 MyArray(i - 1) = i Next i Cells.Clear Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 5)) = My...