You need to use the “For Each Loop” to loop through a range in VBA. Using this loop, you can write a code telling VBA to go through each cell in the range, column, or row and perform a specific activity. Each loop in VBA goes through each item in a collection, like every cell...
SubSelect_Range()First_Cell=InputBox("Enter the First Cell to Select: ")Row_Number=Str(Range(First_Cell).Row)Number_of_Rows=InputBox("Enter the Number of Rows to Select: ")Rng=First_Cell&":"&Mid(First_Cell,1,Len(First_Cell)-Len(Row_Number)+1)&Mid(Str(Int(Number_of_Rows)+Int(...
Step 5:Now, the most important part. We have accessed the worksheet, range, and column. However, in order to select the accessed content, we need to useSelect property in VBA. See the screenshot below for the code layout. Code: SubExample_3() Worksheets("Example 3").Range("B1:D4")...
Row_Last = Selection.Row + Selection.Rows.Count - 1- This variable will contain the last row of a collection of rows representing the entire range. MsgBox Row_First & " to " & Row_Last- A message is displayed in a dialog box along with a range of row numbers. End Sub- Ends the ...
More precisely, you canuse the Range object to represent a range within a worksheet. This means that, by using Excel’s VBA Range object, you can refer to: A single cell. A row or a column of cells. A selection of cells, regardless of whether they’re contiguous or not. ...
又如Range("C1").ColumnWidth = Range("A1").ColumnWidth 5. 清除Columns的内容 Sub clear() Columns.clear End Sub 这将导致当前Sheet中所有的内容被清除,等同于Cells.Clear,如果要清除特定列中的内容,可以给Columns加上参数。其它相关的还有Columns.ClearContents,Columns.ClearFormats,Columns.AutoFit,Columns.Numb...
Sub AutoFitRows() Cells.Select Cells.EntireRow.AutoFit End Sub 您可以使用此代码自动调整工作表中的所有行。当您运行此代码时,它将选择工作表中的所有单元格,并立即自动调整所有行。 6. 删除文字绕排 Sub RemoveTextWrap() Range("A1").WrapText = False End Sub 此代码将帮助您只需单击一下即可从整...
The table_array, however, needs to be presented ina format that VBA can handle.Here we’ve used Range(“A1:B51”), which selects the cells in A1:B51. It’s important to remember that you can’t just type “A1:B51”, as VBA won’t recognize the range ...
Sub AutoFitRows() Cells.Select Cells.EntireRow.AutoFit End Sub 您可以使用此代码自动调整工作表中的所有行。当您运行此代码时,它将选择工作表中的所有单元格,并立即自动调整所有行。 6. 删除文字绕排 Sub RemoveTextWrap() Range("A1").WrapText = False End Sub ...
Range(\"A1\").Select\nSelection.Copy\nRange(\"A2\").Select\nActiveSheet.Paste\n After\n ‘ Approach 1: copy everything (formulas, values and formatting\nRange(\"A1\").Copy Destination:=Range(\"A2\")\n\n‘ Approach 2: copy values only\nRange(\"A2\").Value2 = Range(\"A1\")...