我尝试过使用VBA复制数据的各种不同方法,但总是得到相同的两个错误消息:如果使用Worksheets("Template").Cells(i, 4).Value.Copy,则为Runtime error424: Object required;如果使用Worksheets("Template").Range(i, 4).Copy,则为Runtime error 1004: application-definedor object-defined错误 你可以在下面看到 浏...
在excel VBA中,我似乎找不到这么简单的工作Sub TestBox()MsgBox (Cells(0, 0).Value)我想要输出这些数据,基本上使用一个msgBox 运行时错误:“1004”应用程序-defined或对象定义错误 浏览0提问于2017-08-02得票数 1 1回答 复制工作表 、、、 我的Excel正在尝试(VBA)从Access获取数据,将数据放入一个空模板中,...
"Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error" Here’s what this error generally means: Application-defined: This means the error was triggered by the Microsoft Excel application itself. This can be due to issues like incompatible Excel versions, file corruption, or resource...
我创建了一个部件排序系统,它运行一个宏,通过查找一个指示项目已被排序的隐藏单元格,来搜索操作员所订购的部件。宏第一次按预期工作,但当编辑工作簿(假设添加了项)并再次运行宏时,它将生成一个Run-time错误“1004”:Application-defined或object-defined错误(错误行已注释), Set wb = ThisWorkbook Set ws1 = w...
我在设置单元格内容时遇到错误1004,特别是在设置行中的单元格内容时 ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=""Total increase in GBP ""&MENU!R11C10""" 同一代码用于多个工作表和一些工作,而其他工作表和工作表遇到此错误。基本上,我尝试添加以“21BG”开头的参考代码的行总数,然后打印描述 ...
1 Application-defined or object-defined error when assigning formula -1 Excel VBA: Application defined or object defined error using formula (COUNTIF) Related 0 vba string assignment. WHy am I getting 1004 run time error? 0 Run-time error '1004': Why? 0 error 1004 when trying to set...
in Excel. It’s an error that can occur due to several reasons. In the below example, as you can see, when I run the code, it shows the run-time error ‘1004’. In simple words, you can also say it occurs when you can’t perform an activity with the object or the application....
EXAMPLE 7: VBA Runtime Error 1004: Application-defined or Object-defined error This error encompasses a wide range of possibilities. The error is triggered due to violating one of the rules that are used to handle the object you’re working with. ...
1 Excel VBA: Error 1004 When Trying To Add Hyperlink 0 VBA throws error 1004 when adding a Hyperlink 0 Run time error 1004 Application defined or object error, Hyperlink VBA 0 Adding Hyperlink to another tab in Excel VBA gives error 438 0 Opening Hyperlinks in Excel VBA issue Hot ...
Thank you, but now there is Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error in the same area. Do you possibly have any other ideas where the mistake could be? Like 0 Reply HansVogelaar MVP to kata___Jan 29, 2021 kata___ D...