VBA Refresh Connections : Error 1004 Application-defined or object-defined error I have a report using Power Query and Power Pivot, that is refreshed using VBA. It worked well for several years ,and since last week the VBA stops in Debug mode on the Refresh method of the con...
"Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error" Here’s what this error generally means: Application-defined: This means the error was triggered by the Microsoft Excel application itself. This can be due to issues like incompatible Excel versions, file corruption, or resource...
link - learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/vba/language/reference/error-messages Error NoDescription 0Invalid procedure call or argument 1Application-defined or object-defined error 3Return without GoSub 4Application-defined or object-defined error ...
各位大侠,我最近在用excel mac版编一个vba,想把一个excel文件平均拆分成很多小文件。在每个新生成的文件中,数据平均分布在很多工作表(worksheet)里。我编写的程序如下:运行程序时总是显示application-defined or object-defined error,求问如何解决?谢谢。I 尘汐浅墨徐 多才多E 9 把sheets改成worksheets看看 ...
"VB: run-time error 1004": Application or Object-defined error. "Select method of Range class failed": Excel VBA Runtime error 1004. "Run-time error 1004"- Excel macro. "Runtime error 1004" This error occurs when method open of object workbooks failed "Run time error 1004" This error...
Thank you, but now there is Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error in the same area. Do you possibly have any other ideas where the mistake could be? 0 Likes Reply HansVogelaar replied to kata___ Jan 29 2021 01:12 PM @kata___ Does ...
一段小的VBA代码,出现了 application defined or object defided error错误 代码如下:Dimls_PIP_tem,ls_PIPAsIntegerls_PIP_tem=copy_sht.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Rowls_PIP=cur_sht.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Rowcopy_sht.Activate这一行报错copy_sht.Range(... 代码如
注意此时的变量 j = 0,Excel 工作表中没有第 0 行第 2 列这个单元格的
提示给你的是定义类型错误 个人推测是因为你没把工作表名改正确,Sheets("Summary").和Sheets("Pricing").是否能在表格中找到。这句代码本身没其他问题。
修改成 copy_sht.Range(copy_sht.Cells(3, 1), copy_sht.Cells(ls_PIP_tem, 10)).Select 其实可和下行合并成 copy_sht.Range(copy_sht.Cells(3, 1), copy_sht.Cells(ls_PIP_tem, 10)).copy 代码中Select没有任何意义