一个使用变量的程序: 1SubAgeCals()2'variable declaration(声明变量)3DimFullNameAsString4DimDateOfBirthAsDate5DimAgeAsInteger67'assign values to variables(赋值给变量)8FullName ="John"9DateOfBrith = #01/03/1967#1011'calculate age(计算年龄)12Age =Year(now())-Year(DateOfBirth)1314'print results...
You can also use Alias when a DLL procedure has the same name as a public variable, constant, or any other procedure in the same scope. Alias is also useful if any characters in the DLL procedure name aren't allowed by the DLL naming convention. aliasname Optional. Name of the ...
私有常量必须在模块的上面,第一个Sub语句之上声明。如果你要创建一个该工作簿所有模块都可用的常量时,在Const语句之前加上Public关键字就可以了,例如: Public 公共常量必须在模块的上面,第一个Sub语句之上声明。声明常量的时候,你可以使用下列数据类型之一Boolean,Byte,Integer,Long,Currency,Single,Double,Date,String...
AliasOptional. Indicates that the procedure being called has another name in the DLL. This is useful when the external procedure name is the same as a keyword. You can also useAliaswhen a DLL procedure has the same name as a publicvariable,constant, or any other procedure in the samescope...
Public myVariable As Integer myVariable = 10 在上述代码中,我们声明了一个名为"myVariable"的公共整型变量,并将其赋值为10。这样,在整个VBA程序中,我们都可以使用和修改这个变量的值。 声明公共变量的优势在于可以方便地在不同的模块和过程中共享数据,避免了重复定义变量的麻烦。同时,公共变量的作用域更广,可以...
strMsg ="This variable can't be used outside this module."EndSubSubUsePrivateVariable() MsgBox strMsgEndSub 公共模块级作用域 如果使用Public,则声明了一个公共变量。 变量生存期 初始化变量操作如下: 数值变量初始化为零, 可变长度字符串初始化为零长度字符串 ("") ...
Public statement Private statement Static statement Option Explicit statement Show 2 more When declaringvariables, you usually use aDimstatement. A declaration statement can be placed within a procedure to create aprocedure-levelvariable. Or it may be placed at the top of amodule, in the Declaratio...
1. How to set a public variable in VBA? Public variables are declared before the start of a procedure. The public keyword must be used while declaring a variable. Public Total_Marks As Integer 2. What type of variables cannot be declared outside the procedure?
Any variables that are declared as Public in the declaration section of a class module can be accessed from anywhere in the project once an object reference has been made to the class. If a variable exceeds the range of its data type you will receive an overflow error. ...
Also, only object modules may declare variable WithEvents and therefore only object modules may receive event triggers. In the class that will create the events, you must first declare the events themselves with the Public Event statement, such as: Public Event EventName(Parameters, ByRef Cancel...