Public Declare PtrSafe Function SetFocus Lib 'user32' (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr) As LongPtr Public Declare PtrSafe Function FindWindow Lib 'user32' Alias 'FindWindowA' _ (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As LongPtr Public Declare PtrSafe Function FindWindowEx Lib 'user...
In order to declare a Public variable, you have to place your variable in the Declarations section of your VBA code below the Option Explicit statement, outside of any of your Sub Procedures or Functions and you also have to use the Public keyword. This is shown below: ...
进行设置以在Excel中编写VBA (Getting Set Up to Write VBA in Excel) 开发人员标签 (Developer Tab) To write VBA, you’ll need to add the Developer tab to the ribbon, so you’ll see the ribbon like this. 要编写VBA,您需要在功能区中添加“开发人员”选项卡,这样您将看到功能区。 To add the ...
[Public|Private]DeclareFunctionnameLib"libname"[Alias"aliasname"] [([arglist])] [Astype] 選用Public和Private關鍵字會指定匯入函數的範圍:分別是整個 Visual Basic 專案或只是 Visual Basic 模組。 名稱是您要在 VBA 程式碼中使用的名稱。 如果此名稱與 DLL 中的名稱不同,您必須使用別名 "aliasname" 指定...
VBA在Excel中的应用(二) Cell Comments Cell Copy Cell Format Cell Number Format Cell Value AutoFilter 1. 确认当前工作表是否开启了自动筛选功能 Sub filter() If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then MsgBox "Turned on" End If End Sub 当工作表中有单元格使用了自动筛选功能,工作表的AutoFilterMode的值将为...
7. VBA中冒泡排序示例 Public Sub BubbleSort2() Dim tempVar As Integer Dim anotherIteration As Boolean Dim I As Integer Dim myArray(10) As Integer For I = 1 To 10 myArray(I - 1) = Cells(I, "A").Value Next I Do anotherIteration = False For I = 0 To 8 If my...
There are some words you should (must) not use to name your variables. Those words are reserved for the VBA internal use. Therefore, those words are called keywords. Some of them are: As mentioned already, to declare a variable, type Dim followed by a name. Here is an example: ...
VBA Array Methods There are several methods in VBA arrays that will help us to perform different functions, as mentioned below. Let’s discuss each of them in detail with an example. #1) Array Let’s declare a regular variant variable and use it as an array. When you want to change a...
VBA 函数Function的基本语法如下:[Public|private] [Static] Function 函数名([参数列表 [As 数据类型]]) [As 返回值数据类型] [语句块] [函数名=返回值] End Function使用函数完成上面的例子: 1.6.3 VBA的参数传递参数传递的方式有两种,引用和传值。传值,只是将数据的内容给到函数,不会对数据本身进行修改...
You declare a Public Static array as you would declare a Public Variable. Public strNames(3) as String This declaration would need to go at the top of your module, below Option Explicit. It could then be used throughout your VBA project in any module or procedure. If you declare the Ar...