You can also use aPrivatestatement to declare the object type of a variable. 以下语句为新的工作表实例声明一个变量: VB PrivateXAsNewWorksheet 如果在声明对象变量时未使用New关键字 (keyword) ,则必须使用Set语句为引用对象的变量分配现有对象,然后才能使用它。 在为其分配对象之前,声明的对象变量具有特殊值...
In many programming languages, you can assign a value to the variable in the same statement that you use to declare it. In VBA, declaring VBA variables is optional, but you can’t declare AND set the variable at the same time. Instead, you’ll need tocreate a new line that assigns a...
Guide to VBA Variable Declaration. Here we understand how to declare variable in VBA and when to use it with examples & download template
OptionExplicit' Force explicit variable declaration.DimMyVar' Declare variable.MyInt =10' Undeclared variable generates error.MyVar =10' Declared variable does not generate error. 设置属性改变时的执行代码(Let、Get、Set) 可以创建具有相同名称的Property Let、Property Set和property Get过程。 PrivateIsInverte...
' Sub procedure definition.' Sub procedure with two arguments.SubSubComputeArea(Length, TheWidth)DimAreaAsDouble' Declare local variable.IfLength =0OrTheWidth =0Then' If either argument = 0.ExitSub' Exit Sub immediately.EndIfArea = Length * TheWidth' Calculate area of rectangle.Debug.Print Ar...
To declare a public variable, do so in a standard module (the kind that you create by selecting Insert > Module) instead of in the ThisWorkbook module. You only need to do this in one module. Make sure that you use the keyword Public: ...
Running the code with the Double data type produces a msgbox containing the unrounded value, 5.5. The default value for a double is 0. In this tutorial, you learned how to declare a variable and the best place to place your variable declarations. You learned what’s allowed and not allowed...
Public variablename You can still initialize it in Workbook_Open in the ThisWorkbook module. (You can, in fact, declare it in ThisWorkbook, but then youmustrefer to it as ThisWorkbook.variablename instead of just variablename) To declare a public variable, do so in a standard module (the...
Dim AnyValue, MyValue ' Explicitly declare a variable of type Integer. Dim Number As Integer ' Multiple declarations on a single line. AnotherVar is of type Variant ' because its type is omitted. Dim AnotherVar, Choice As Boolean, BirthDate As Date ' DayArray is an array of Variants...
' AnyValue and MyValue are declared as Variant by default with values' set to Empty.DimAnyValue, MyValue' Explicitly declare a variable of type Integer.DimNumberAsInteger' Multiple declarations on a single line. AnotherVar is of type Variant' because its type is omitted.DimAnotherVar, Choice...