if rg is nothing 表示刚才赋值为空,即find找不到 那么if not rg is nothing就是找得到了。
Dim c As Range, firstAddress As StringOn Error Resume NextWith Worksheets(1).Range("a1:a15") Set c = .Find(2, LookIn:=xlValues) If Not c Is Nothing Then firstAddress = c.Address Do c.Value = 5 Set c = .FindNext(c) Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress ...
void AppendFile(string file) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) return; Application app = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application; Document activeDoc = app.ActiveDocument; if (activeDoc == null) return; object fileObj = file; object confirmConversions = false; object readOnly = true; object addToRecent...
firstAddress = c.Address Do c.Value = 5 Set c = .FindNext(c) Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress End If End With 经修改后的示例代码如下,即在原代码中加了一句错误处理语句On Error Resume Next,忽略所发生的错误。 Sub test1() Dim c As Range, firstAddress As St...
If cells(i,j) = "2012年度考核" cells(i+1,j+1) = 2013 cells(i+1,j+2) = 8 cells(i+1,j+3) = 8 cells(i+2,j+1) = 2014 cells(i+2,j+2) = 4 cells(i+2,j+3) = 5 End If Next Next End Sub ...
避免出现错误消息 (3) On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ‘当错误发生时跳转到过程中的某个位置 (...
If Not rg Is Nothing Then d = Replace(d, "车管", rg.Offset(0, -1).Value) End If if not rg is nothing 和 set rg 这二句我不知道是什么意思,有人可以解释下吗?最好通俗点,因为我是新手,谢谢了。 无妄之地 博采众E 6 Set rg = [f:f].Find(Range("c" & i) & "车管") ...
Dim tblName As String Dim tblExists As Boolean tblName="myTable"'遍历每一工作表 For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets For Each tbl In ws.ListObjects If tbl.Name=tblName Then tblExists=True End If Next tbl Next ws If tblExists=True Then ...
If [some condition is true] Then ' do things End If ' continue on whether or not the condition was true In the problem that you are working on, the determining condition is whether the CompanyName property for the current ContactItem is set to the string "Example Systems". ...
Functionbc (Optionalshort1,Optionalshort2,Optionallongside)IfNot(IsMissing(short1))AndNot(IsMissing(short2))Thenbc=Sqr(short1 ^2+ short2 ^2)ElseIfNot(IsMissing(short1))AndNot(IsMissing(longside))Thenbc=Sqr(longside ^2- short1 ^2)ElseIfNot(IsMissing(short2))AndNot(IsMissing(longside...