Retrieve folder path from file path Question: I can choose a file using the filedialog function and save the file path as a string. However, I also need to retrieve the folder name from the selected path. Could you please provide guidance on how to obtain the folder path from the selected...
GetFileName用来得到一个完整路径中的文件名(带扩展名) FunctionGetFileName(ByValsAsString)AsStringDimsname()AsStringsname=Split(s,"\") GetFileName= sname(UBound(sname))End Function SetFolderPath用来将不是\结尾的路径后面加上\ FunctionSetFolderPath(ByValpathAsString)AsStringIfRight(path,1) <>"\"...
GetParentFolderName("C:\ParentTest\Test\") ParentFold will be in this case “C:\ParentTest\”.Please note that this method will not resolve the path, nor does it check for the existence of the specified path.GetSpecialFolder Method
expression.SaveAs(FileName, FileFormat, Password, WriteResPassword, ReadOnlyRecommended, CreateBackup, AccessMode, ConflictResolution, AddToMru, TextCodepage, TextVisualLayout, Local) 具体参数含义可参看VBA帮助,使用都比较简单。 示例 本示例新建一个工作簿,提示用户输入文件名,然后保存该工作簿。 Set NewBo...
Sub 选择文件夹() Dim fd As FileDialog Dim folderPath As String Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) fd.Title = "选择目标文件夹" ' 设置对话框标题 fd.InitialFileName = "D:\" ' 设置初始路径 ' 如果用户选择了文件夹,获取文件夹路径 If fd.Show = -1 Then folderPath = ...
For Each Contact In ContactsFolder.Items Debug.Print Contact.CompanyName Next Before you run the macro again, open the Immediate window in the Visual Basic Editor. To do so, clickViewon the menu bar and then clickImmediate Window. Earlier, you used MsgBox earlier to get feedback from your ...
图片的类型、大小等,这些信息就称为 EXIF 信息。一般 JPG 、 TIFF 这类的图片文件都会有这样的信息。EXIF 其实就是专门为这种数码照片所定制的,专门用于记录数码照片的属性信息和拍摄数据的,最初由日本制定。这个其实很好理解,日本对相机行业基本是垄断般的存在,所以这类的标准当然就是由他们制定啦!
file In subfolder.Files '//用自定义函数给当前文件名归类,下面两句中,currstr1、currstr2必有一个为空 '//如果不为空,说明当前文件属于I列或J列,并把它与str1或str2连接起来 currStr1 = getStr(arrStr1, file.Name) currStr2 = getStr(arrStr2, file.Name) If IsPicture(file.Name) Then If ...
GetFolder("C:\VBA Folder") Next loop through each file in oFolder, using oFile.Name to get the name of every file in the folder and write it in the next empty row: For Each oFile In oFolder.Files Cells(i + 1, 1) = oFile.Name i = i + 1 Next oFile Image 2. Worksheet ...
VBA - thisworkbook.path 是一段用于在Visual Basic for Applications(VBA)中获取当前工作簿路径的代码。 VBA是一种用于在Microsoft Office应用程序中编写宏的编程语言。它可以帮助用户自动化重复性任务、定制化应用程序以及增强数据处理和分析能力。 在VBA中,thisworkbook代表当前正在运行的工作簿对象。Path是一个属性,...