Workbooks.OpenText(FileName, Origin, StartRow, DataType, TextQualifier, ConsecutiveDelimiter, Tab, Semicolon, Comma, Space, Other, OtherChar, FieldInfo, TextVisualLayout, DecimalSeparator, ThousandsSeparator, TrailingMinusNumbers, Local) 关于以上参数的具体含义可以参看VBA的帮助,这里就不重复了。在实际的编...
For getting the file name from any path, you can use: SubFSOGetFileName()DimFileNameAsStringDimFSOAsNewFileSystemObjectSetFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")'Get File NameFileName=FSO.GetFileName("C:\ExamplePath\ExampleFile.txt")'Get File Name no ExtensionFileNameWOExt=Left(FileName,In...
1、自定义函数HasExtensionWV,判断给定路径是否包括有效扩展名 Function HasExtensionWV(filePath As String, Optional CheckValidation As Boolean = True) As Boolean Dim extension As String extension = GetExtension(filePath) If extension = "" Then HasExtensionWV = False Else If CheckValidation Then If IsEx...
In this example, we have created VBA custom function “FileOrFolderName” which returns the file or folder name as output. “FileOrFolderName” function takes two parameters as input. First parameter takes file path as input. Second parameter takes Boolean value as input,...
move the file:fil.Move "C:\Dst\"delete the file:fil.Deleteor open it as a TextStream object:fil.OpenAsTextStreamThe file’s properties such as its attributes, the date and time when it was created, last accessed or last modified, its drive’s letter, name and short name, path and ...
The File Exists. VBA中的Dir函数,可以实现类似的功能,用到的主要代码为:FileName = Dir(Path)。 4.2 基于给定路径,创建新文件夹 Sub CreateFolder() Dim MyFSO As FileSystemObject Set MyFSO = New FileSystemObject If MyFSO.FolderExists('C:\a\f') Then ...
FileOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Microsoft_Excel文件(*.xls*),*.xls*", MultiSelect:=True, Title:="合并工作薄") X = 1 While X <= UBound(FileOpen) ' UBound():返回数组最大下标 Workbooks.Open Filename:=FileOpen(X) ...
(k) = subfolder.Path '//把三个字符串变量清空 str1 = "": str2 = "": str3 = "" '//循环子文件夹下所有文件 For Each file In subfolder.Files '//用自定义函数给当前文件名归类,下面两句中,currstr1、currstr2必有一个为空 '//如果不为空,说明当前文件属于I列或J列,并把它与str1或str...
图片的类型、大小等,这些信息就称为 EXIF 信息。一般 JPG 、 TIFF 这类的图片文件都会有这样的信息。EXIF 其实就是专门为这种数码照片所定制的,专门用于记录数码照片的属性信息和拍摄数据的,最初由日本制定。这个其实很好理解,日本对相机行业基本是垄断般的存在,所以这类的标准当然就是由他们制定啦!