In this example, we have created VBA custom function “FileOrFolderName” which returns the file or folder name as output. “FileOrFolderName” function takes two parameters as input. First parameter takes file path as input. Second parameter takes Boolean value as input,...
VBA中的Dir函数,可以实现类似的功能,用到的主要代码为:FileName = Dir(Path)。 4.2 基于给定路径,创建新文件夹 Sub CreateFolder() Dim MyFSO As FileSystemObject Set MyFSO = New FileSystemObject If MyFSO.FolderExists('C:\a\f') Then Debug.Print 'The Folder Already Exist' Else MyFSO.CreateFolder (...
filePath=fileRoot&c.Offset(0,-1).Value&".txt"'filename from ColA Debug.Print filePath 'open text streamasunicode Set fileStream=fso.CreateTextFile(filePath,overwrite:=True,Unicode:=True)fileStream.Write oDoc.Range.Text fileStream.Close oDoc.Close c.Interior.Color=vbGreen 'flagOKElse c.Inte...
For getting the file name from any path, you can use: SubFSOGetFileName()DimFileNameAsStringDimFSOAsNewFileSystemObjectSetFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")'Get File NameFileName=FSO.GetFileName("C:\ExamplePath\ExampleFile.txt")'Get File Name no ExtensionFileNameWOExt=Left(FileName,In...
The File Exists. VBA中的Dir函数,可以实现类似的功能,用到的主要代码为:FileName = Dir(Path)。 4.2 基于给定路径,创建新文件夹 代码语言:javascript 复制 SubCreateFolder()Dim MyFSO As FileSystemObject Set MyFSO=New FileSystemObject If MyFSO.FolderExists("C:\a\f")Then ...
ReadFromTextFile为读取文本内容的函数 需要注意的点是: 第一参数FileName传入的是一个全路径的名称,第二个一般默认就好。 结果返回所有txt所有文本内容.如下图 2、自定义函数TxtToArr。 TxtToArr为将文本处理为数组的函数 需要注意的点是: 第一参数S为txt文本内容,第二参数为每一行中每一类的分隔符,第三个参...
Example 5 –Inputting a File name from a Cell and Saving the File Instantly Steps: A name was placed inB12. Paste theVBAcode below in the module. Sub SaveFile_5() Dim Shell_1 As Object Dim File_name, Full_path As String Set Shell_1 = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ...
Function IsPicture(fileName As String) As Boolean'//根据扩展名,判断文件是否是图片文件 Dim strFileType As String Dim fileExtn As String fileExtn = Mid(fileName, InStrRev(fileName, ".")) strFileType = "/.jpg/.png/.bmp/.gif/" If InStr(strFileType, fileExtn) > 0 Then IsPicture = True...
Access2010(64)でのGetSaveFileName(comdlg32.dll)使用方法 ACCESS2010よりEXCEL編集/出力時に「エラー番号1004:アプリケーション定義またはオブジェクト定義のエラーです。」が発生の解決方法 ACCESS2013 実行時エラー -2147467259(80004005) access2016でvbaを使用してダイアログを開いてcsvを参照する方法...
With file_dialog_box .Filters.Clear .Filters.Add "All Excel Files", "*.xlsx?", 1 .Title = "Choose Your Excel file" .AllowMultiSelect = False .InitialFileName = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path If .Show = True Then select_file = .SelectedItems(1) ...