wSheet.Range("D14") = ActiveCell.row End Sub Go back to your sheet. Code Breakdown: Find_Row_Number_of_an_Active_Cell() is the Sub procedure. The wSheet is declared as a Worksheet. The Set statement will select the active cell. Range will return the row number in the output cell....
Range(ActiveCell, Cells(14, "D")).Select
Method 1 – VBA Code to Delete Nth Row of Excel Table Steps: 1.1 Using ListObjects Statement You want to delete the 8th number row in the dataset table. Steps: Enter the following code in the code editor and press F5 to run the entire code. Sub deleteRow() ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Del...
是用于在Excel VBA中获取当前活动单元格所在的列号和行号的方法。 1. Active.cell.column:这是一个Excel VBA内置的属性,用于获取当前活动单元格所在的列号。它返回一个...
'Dim k As Range 是宣告 k 为范围资料形态,Range这是 Excel 特有的资料形态。'i = Target.Row是把当前单元格的行数,指定给变量 i。'j = Target.Column 是把当前单元格的栏数,指定给变量 j。'Set k = Target 是把当前的单元格,指定给变量 k。'用像 i 与 j 这样简单的变量,在程序的前面你可能还...
Sub InsertMultipleRows() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select On Error GoTo Last i = InputBox("Enter number of columns to insert", "Insert Columns") For j = 1 To i Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromRightorAbove Next j Last: Exit Sub ...
.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas).Locked = True .Protect AllowDeletingRows:=True End With End Sub 若要通过单击使用公式保护单元格,您可以使用此代码。To protect cell with formula with a single click you can use this code.本节内容参考程序文件:Chapter04.xlsm 10 删除所有空白工作表Delete all...
Excel表叔:VBA基础5:VBA对象1(Application/工作簿/工作表) 单元格对象: 单元格区域的引用: 所谓单元格区域是指某一单元格、某一行、某一列、某一选定区域(包含一个或者若干个连续单元格区域)。 通过Cells属性引用单个单元格: 表达式.Cells(RowIndex,ColumnIndex) ...
[vba]-Excel VBA命令(转) 本示例为设置密码窗口 (1) If Application.InputBox("请输入密码:") = 1234 Then [A1] = 1 '密码正确时执行 Else: MsgBox "密码错误,即将退出!" '此行与第2行共同设置密码 End If 本示例为设置密码窗口 (1) X = MsgBox("是否真的要结帐?", vbYesNo)...
Selection.EntireRow.AutoFit End Sub 与上面的宏类似,但是这个宏只会自动调整选定行的行高。 将选定单元格的格式复制到其他单元格 vba复制代码 Sub CopyFormat() Selection.Copy ' 选择你想要粘贴格式的单元格,然后运行下面的代码 ' Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats ...