After importing the JsonConverter into the VBA editor for Access 2013 and then doing a simple cut and past of the example code in the click event of a button, I get the following error: Compile error: user-defined type not defined in the function: Private Function json_ParseObject(json_Str...
调试时提示下述错误: compile error: type mismatch: array or user-defined type expected 错误指向Call ttsub(ba(), bb())一句中的ba() 请问这段程序哪儿错了?该怎么改? 解决方法: Dim ba(), bb() As Byte 这个是错误的.要写就写全,因为vb默认是变体Variant类型的. 所以千万不能马虎,得写Dim ba()...
type mismatch: array or user-defined type expected 错误指向Call ttsub(ba(), bb())一句中的ba() 请问这段程序哪儿错了?该怎么改? 解决方法: Dim ba(), bb() As Byte 这个是错误的.要写就写全,因为vb默认是变体Variant类型的. 所以千万不能马虎,得写Dim ba() As Byte, bb() As Byte 提问者评...
同时,使用对象名作为变量还可以在 VBA 代码中实现对象之间的交互,例如将一个对象的属性或方法传递给另一个对象。 需要注意的是,在使用对象名作为变量时,需要确保对象已经被创建,否则会出现“Compile error: User-defined type not defined”的错误。因此,在编写 VBA 代码时,需要先确定对象是否存在,然后再使用对象名...
1.'User-defined type not defined' error: This error typically occurs when the necessary Outlook object library reference is not added to your VBA project. To resolve this, you need to ensure that the Microsoft Outlook Object Library is referenced in your VBA project. Here's how you can do...
在Then后面按下回车就OK了 ,所有的THEN后面的都要另起一行 ,另外这么多的条件,建议用select case...end select语句。
The error states 'Compile Error: User-defined type not defined on the "Global..." line.(**) Option Explicit Global EPMObj As New FPMXLClient.EPMAddInAutomation (**) Public Sub Refresh_Data() Set EPMObj = New EPMAddInAutomation EPMObjRefreshActiveWorkBook End Sub Thanks,...
Python内置函数——compilecompilecompile(source, filename, mode[, flags[, dont_inherit,[optimize]]])1.这个函数用来编译一段字符串的源码,结果可以生成字节码或者AST(抽像语法树),字节码可以使用函数exec()来执行,而AST可以使用eval()来继续编译。2.参数source是一串字符串的源码,或者是AST对 ...
Please help me on above code as I am getting error i.e."compile error: user defined type not defined". The error shows on first line "Hold as POINTAPI". Please suggest me how to run this code. Since I am trying to runSub Move_Cursor() ...
=== Compile error: The code in this project must be update for use on 64-bit systems. Please review and update Declare statements and then mark them with the PtrSafe attribute. 见下图: 解决方案:在所有出现问题的函数声明之前都加上PtrSafe,问题解决 ...