Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost (Error 442) Constant expression required Constants, fixed-length strings, arrays, user-defined types, and Declare statements not allowed as Public members of an object module Could not access system registry (Error 335)...
您可在 Visual Basic 中创建自己的数据类型,但它们必须先在Type...End Type语句或之前注册的对象库或类型库中定义。 此错误的原因及解决方案如下: 您已尝试声明未定义数据类型的变量或参数或您指定了未知类或对象。 在模块中使用Type语句定义新的数据类型。 如果您尝试创建对类的引用,则类必须对项目可见。 如果您...
1.'User-defined type not defined' error: This error typically occurs when the necessary Outlook object library reference is not added to your VBA project. To resolve this, you need to ensure that the Microsoft Outlook Object Library is referenced in your VBA project. Here's how you can do ...
After importing the JsonConverter into the VBA editor for Access 2013 and then doing a simple cut and past of the example code in the click event of a button, I get the following error: Compile error: user-defined type not defined in the function: Private Function json_ParseObject(json_Str...
用户定义类型必须至少有一个元素。 此错误的原因和解决方案如下:您在Type...End Type 定义中指定了一个空用户定义类型。 检查 Type 语句是否有意外注释分隔符。有关其他信息,选择有问题的项并按 F1(在 Windows 中)或 HELP(在 Macintosh 上)。另请参阅Visual...
需要注意的是,在使用对象名作为变量时,需要确保对象已经被创建,否则会出现“Compile error: User-defined type not defined”的错误。因此,在编写 VBA 代码时,需要先确定对象是否存在,然后再使用对象名作为变量进行操作。
Anonymous December 22, 2012 This is exactly what I need but for Project 2010, I can't use it in my application because I get "user-defined type not define" error.中文(简体) 你的隐私选择 主题 管理Cookie 早期版本 博客 参与 隐私 使用条款 商标 © Microsoft 2025 ...
However in folowing his script I ran into a problem that I do not understand on the first line; which is: Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection; when I try to run that I get a mesage "Complile Error - User-defined type not defined." ...
' vbEmpty, vbError, vbDataObject, vbByte, vbUserDefinedType ' Use VBA's built-in to-string On Error Resume Next ConvertToJson = JsonValue On Error GoTo 0 End Select End Function' === ' ' Private Functions ' === ' Private Function json_ParseObject(json_String As String...
MessageText = "Error not found." End If End Function 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 下一示例说明了如何才能将此函数与自动化代码一起使用。在此示例中,Microsoft Excel 为服务器应用程序。在破坏了(或关闭了)工作簿对象后如果引用该对象,则...