Some programming languages like Java offer a built-in method named “StartsWith()” that uses a couple of mandatory parameters (the string to be validated and the piece of the string which should be looked for in the beginning) and returns aBoolean valueto indicate the validation result. Howe...
PublicSubFindSomeText()IfInStr("Look in this string","look")=0ThenMsgBox"No match"ElseMsgBox"At least one match"EndIfEndSub Find Text String in a Cell You can also find a string in a cell: SubFind_String_Cell()IfInStr(Range("B2").Value,"Dr.")>0ThenRange("C2").Value="Doctor"En...
Sub CheckString()Dim myString As String myString = "Hello, World!"If InStr(1, myString, "World", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then MsgBox "myString 包含 'World' 字符串"Else MsgBox "myString 不包含 'World' 字符串"End If End Sub 在上面的例...
思路: 2分查找数组中的第一个k: 1. 如果中间数字大于k,那么k只可能出现在前半段 2. 如果中间...
End Sub Ø本节内容参考程序文件:Chapter03-2.xlsm 9保存并关闭工作簿Close a Workbook after Saving Sub mynzvba_close_workbook()Dim wbCheck As String wbCheck = Dir(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\myFile.xlsx")If wbCheck = "" Then Workbooks("工作簿1").Close _SaveChanges:=True, _Filename:=...
Dim retVal As String Dim ltr As String, i As Integer, european As Boolean retVal = ""getNumber = 0 european = False On Error GoTo last '检查范围是否包含欧洲格式编号,即小数点 If fromThis.Value Like "*.*,*" Then european = True End If For i = 1 To Len(fromThis)ltr = Mid(from...
EndRow1, EndRow2 As Single '两个工作表最后一行行号的变量Dim CheckCode As Variant '用于存放校验码的变量Dim sAdr As String '用于存放原始发证地址的变量EndRow1 = Sheets(1).Range("a65535").End(xlUp).RowEndRow2 = Sheets(2).Range("a65535").End(xlUp).RowIf EndRow1...
Dim wbCheck As String wbCheck = Dir(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\myFile.xlsx") If wbCheck = "" Then Workbooks("工作簿1").Close _ SaveChanges:=True, _ Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\myFile.xlsx" Else MsgBox "Error! Name already used." ...
Dim retVal As String Dim ltr As String, i As Integer,europeanAs Boolean retVal = "" getNumber = 0 european = False On Error GoTo last '检查范围是否包含欧洲格式编号,即小数点 If fromThis.Value Like "*.*,*" Then european = True
Sub Export2TxtFile() Dim fso As Object, sFile As Object, blnExist As Boolean Dim iRow As Integer, FileName As String Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") '创建FileSystemObject对象 FileName = "C:\FSOTest\testfile.txt" '指定文本文件名 Check_FileExist: blnExist = fso.FileExist...