If String Contains Substring Here we will use anIf statementto test if a string contains a substring of text: PublicSubFindSomeText()IfInStr("Look in this string","look")=0ThenMsgBox"No match"ElseMsgBox"At least one match"EndIfEndSub ...
string強制的。要檢視的字串 pattern強制的。要查詢的字串。更多詳情見備註 備註: ?任何單個字元 *任意 0 到多個字元 #任何單個數字(0 到 9) 下面的程式碼塊將使用Like運算子檢查子字串是否在 VBA 的主字串中 Function IsSubString(mainStr as String,subStr as String) as Boolean 'Check if subStr is in...
Dim position As Integer position = InStr(originalString, targetSubstring) 3. 根据InStr函数的返回值判断结果 如果InStr函数的返回值大于0,则表示原始字符串包含目标子字符串。否则,不包含。 vba If position > 0 Then MsgBox "The original string contains the target substring." Else MsgBox "The origina...
Option Explicit Public Sub test() Debug.Print ContainsSubString("bc", "abc,d") End Sub Public Function ContainsSubString(ByVal substring As String, ByVal testString As String) As Boolean 'substring = string to test for; testString = string to search ContainsSubString = Evaluate("=ISNUMBER(FI...
Debug.Print "Contains ""Hello"" Substring!" End If Read my post on Finding Substrings within Strings.Trim VBA StringTriming removes Whitespaces:1 2 3 Debug.Print Trim(" Hello There! ") 'Result: "Hello There!" Debug.Print LTrim(" Hello There! ") 'Result: "Hello There! " Debug.Print...
FunctionFindSubstring(valueAsRange)AsIntegerDimPosAsIntegerPos=InStr(1,value,"@")FindSubstring=PosEndFunction Visual Basic Copy Note: A function namedFindSubstringwill be created (use any name as you prefer). valueis the cell reference that contains the string and it is declared as aRange. ...
Example 6 – Find a Substring in a StringTo determine whether a string contains a specific substring, you can use an IF Statement.Here’s an example:Public Sub FindSub() If InStr("Happiness is a choice", "choice") = 0 Then MsgBox "No match found" Else MsgBox "Match found" End If ...
Learning these string operations increases your options as a VBA programmer a great deal because there are many programming situations that require you to check for a substring or to change part of a string. (Searching the Web for "VBA string functions" provides many useful lists and examples....
Column B shows whether or not each corresponding cell in column A contains the substring “hot” or not. Note: We used asterisks (*) around the substring to indicate that any character can come before or after the string “hot” in the cell. ...
string against the full string. We can compare two strings against the pattern using the VBA LIKE operator. We can check whether the string contains asubstring in VBAor whether the string contains any specific format. If the pattern matches the string, then the VBA LIKE operator returns TRUE ...