Stand Alone Spectral Analyzer for high precision audio measure. Shop now ! VOICEMEETER Banana The Advanced Virtual Audio Device Mixer For Windows. DOWNLOAD now MT128 Solution Player.Recorder.SoundPad The Audio Professionnal Solution for 128 Tracks Playback / Recording with a jingle machine dedicated ...
VB-Audio Software 宣布更新了他们适用于 Windows 的 Voicemeeter 系列虚拟调音台软件,为 24H2 Windows 更新中的新内存管理提供了全面支持。 Voicemeeter 更新提供了与改进的低级 Windows 系统功能的兼容性,最终修复了最近在各种科技媒体上广泛报道的意外的 Windows 兼容性音频问题。 Voicemeeter 更新还提供了对 Windows 1...
General terms of sale: Specifications Software TypeVirtual Audio Mixer (Application + Audio Driver) Operating SystemWindows Supported VersionsXP to Win11 (32, 64bits) ARM64 Compatible License typeDonationware Simple ...
VB-Audio Software 宣布更新了他们适用于 Windows 的 Voicemeeter 系列虚拟调音台软件,为 24H2 Windows 更新中的新内存管理提供了全面支持。 Voicemeeter 更新提供了与改进的低级 Windows 系统功能的兼容性,最终修复了最近在各种科技媒体上广泛报道的意外的 Windows 兼容性音频问题。 Voicemeeter 更新还提供了对 Windows 1...
Audio Pro Misc Authentication Create an account Your VB-AUDIO Webshop Account allows you to manage your invoices / order history and retrieve your download links or activation code if any. Please enter your email address to create an account. ...
VB-Audio Software 宣布更新了他们适用于 Windows 的 Voicemeeter 系列虚拟调音台软件,为 24H2 Windows 更新中的新内存管理提供了全面支持。 Voicemeeter 更新提供了与改进的低级 Windows 系统功能的兼容性,最终修复了最近在各种科技媒体上广泛报道的意外的 Windows 兼容性音频问题。
The present General Terms apply to all software applications accessible on via domain name (hereinafter the SITE). This version cancels and replaces prior versions. VB AUDIO reserves the right to amend the present General Terms at any times without notice. However, if the present ...
VB-Audio Software 宣布更新了他们适用于 Windows 的 Voicemeeter 系列虚拟调音台软件,为 24H2 Windows 更新中的新内存管理提供了全面支持。 Voicemeeter 更新提供了与改进的低级 Windows 系统功能的兼容性,最终修复了最近在各种科技媒体上广泛报道的意外的 Windows 兼容性音频问题。
Voicemeeter is revolutionizing the way audio is managed on Windows PC's. With Voicemeeter Banana, It is now possible to connect and mix any audio source(s) with any audio application(s) in an easy way with unparalleled control on sound quality. Endowed w
VB-Audio Softwareis a brand created by Vincent Burel, independent developer and expert in real time digital audio processing since 1999. The story starts in 1997,1998. it was the glorious age of audio plug-ins, with many plug-in formats like Direct-X, VST, WaveLab, Winamp, SAW32, Quartz...