VB-Audio CABLE is a Windows Audio Driver working as Virtual Audio Cable to connect two applications together (player to recorder). Thanks to its Multi-Format Audio Engine, VB-CABLE can be used without any configuration! Ready to work with all Audio Applications using MME, KS, DX, WaveRT or...
VBCABLE虚拟声卡是一种软件模拟的音频设备,它允许用户在没有物理硬件的情况下进行音频输入和输出。VBCABLE由VB-Audio Software开发,旨在提供一个虚拟的音频线路,允许音频数据从一个程序传输到另一个程序。 VBCABLE虚拟声卡的功能和用途 音频传输:VBCABLE可以在不同的应用程序之间传输音频数据,无需物理连接。 音频录制和...
VB-Audio CABLE is a macOS Audio Driver working as Virtual Audio Cable to connect two applications together (player to recorder). VB-CABLE can be used without any configuration! Ready to work with all Audio Applications. Download and test it first : vb-c
VB-Audio Software 宣布更新了他们适用于 Windows 的 Voicemeeter 系列虚拟调音台软件,为 24H2 Windows 更新中的新内存管理提供了全面支持。 Voicemeeter 更新提供了与改进的低级 Windows 系统功能的兼容性,最终修复了最近在各种科技媒体上广泛报道的意外的 Windows 兼容性音频问题。 Voicemeeter 更新还提供了对 Windows 1...
此更新还修复了几个报告的问题,并改进了与他们最新的 VB-CABLE 版本的兼容性。这款一同发布的流行虚拟音频线现在不仅支持多达 16 个通道,还全面支持 24H2 Windows 更新和 Arm64 平台。 适用于 Windows 的 Voicemeeter 新版本(Standard、Banana 和 Potato)现已提供下载。
内容提示: October2013 VB-Audio Software V.Burel Configuring S ystem S ettings V B-CABLE revision 0 V B-AUDIO CABLE Non Contractual document page 1 Document designed by V.Burel2013 all right reserved. All information provided in this document may be subject to change without notice....
VB-CABLE A+BorVB-CABLE C+D. VB-CABLE Virtual Audio Device. VB-CABLE is a virtual audio device working as virtual audio cable. All audio coming in the CABLE input is simply forwarded to the CABLE output. Download and Install VB-CABLE Driver Now!
VB-CABLE A+BorVB-CABLE C+D. VB-CABLE Virtual Audio Device. VB-CABLE is a virtual audio device working as virtual audio cable. All audio coming in the CABLE input is simply forwarded to the CABLE output. Download and Install VB-CABLE Driver Now!
VB-CABLE A+BorVB-CABLE C+D. VB-CABLE Virtual Audio Device. VB-CABLE is a virtual audio device working as virtual audio cable. All audio coming in the CABLE input is simply forwarded to the CABLE output. Download and Install VB-CABLE Driver Now!
December 2012, We release the first version of our virtual audio cable: The VB-CABLE!. I was working on this project with Jean Sylvain Loezic since two years. My first idea was to attach virtual audio I/O to an application. The goal was to find a new way to valorize my plug-ins ...