1 Virtual Audio Cables,虚拟音频线,连接播放软件和录制软件的1对1音频通道。生成的虚拟设备:输出设备:CABLE Input(输出设备/音频信号输入端,不支持ASIO)输入设备:CABLE Output(输入设备/音频信号输出端)播放端输入音频到该通道,该通道输出音频到录制端。播放 → Virtual Audio Cables → 录制 / 再输入虚拟...
我们必须将CABLE Output设备设置为监听才能从耳机/音箱中听到输入CABLE Input的声音 同样右键点击右下角通知栏的音频喇叭图标,弹出菜单选择声音 在录制选项卡中,找到CABLE Ouput设备,右键点击属性 在属性窗口中,切换到侦听选项卡,勾选和侦听此设备,下面的通过此设备播放选默认播放设备即可 设置你的应用程序输出到【CABLE...
下载安装包:从VB-Audio Software的官方网站或可靠的软件下载网站下载VBCABLE的安装包。 运行安装程序:以管理员权限运行下载的安装程序(如VBCABLE_Setup.exe或VBCABLE_Setup_x64.exe)。 完成安装:按照安装向导的指示完成安装过程。安装完成后,系统声音设置中应出现新的虚拟音频设备,如“CABLE Input”和“CABLE Output...
一、下载安装VB-Audio Virtual Cable(VB-CABLE) 1.打开官网https://vb-audio.com/Cable/ 2.如上图,点击Download下载文件。 3.下载完压缩包后,解压文件,如上图得到VBCABLE_Driver_Pack43整个文件夹。 4.单击鼠标右键,选择“以管理员身份运行”VBCABLE_Setup或VBCABLE_Setup_×64。(请根据自己实际情况选择) 5...
1.Choose VB Audio Cable Input as audio device in every app, which should play on Hardware Input 3 of VoiceMeeter. (e.g. Zoom, MS Teams, Discord). 2.Select VB Cable Output on Hardware Input 3 of VoiceMeeter. Use the WDM driver version of VB Cable for the best performance. ...
VB-CABLE Virtual Audio Device. VB-CABLE is a virtual audio device working as virtual audio cable. All audio coming in the CABLE input is simply forwarded to the CABLE output. Download and Install VB-CABLE Driver Now! New Package:VBCABLE_Driver_Pack45.zip ...
Since I also share videos (in a different scene) the Zoom mic is the Cable Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable). The problem is, when students ask questions they hear an echo of themselves (even on the non-video scene) and the OBS recording also has an echo. Is there a way for me ...
VB cable 7.1 problem Win10 byxingdong»Wed Oct 11, 2023 10:53 pm 5Replies 49963Views Last postbyxingdong Sat Oct 14, 2023 5:23 am Cable-B Output Levels byLinuxDevice»Tue Sep 19, 2023 1:41 am 2Replies 36605Views Last postbyLinuxDevice ...
I'm getting no output from my virtual cable. I have tried the free cable and cable A as well. I'm getting cable input, but no output. Here is my configuration: Windows 10, latest version. Signal flow is as follows: Studio One DAW to OBS via ReaStream VST and then from OBS to ...
VB-CABLE Virtual Audio Device. VB-CABLE is a virtual audio device working as virtual audio cable. All audio coming in the CABLE input is simply forwarded to the CABLE output. Download and Install VB-CABLE Driver Now! New Package:VBCABLE_Driver_Pack45.zip ...