VB-Audio应用:虚拟音频线 1 Virtual Audio Cables,虚拟音频线,连接播放软件和录制软件的1对1音频通道。生成的虚拟设备:输出设备:CABLE Input(输出设备/音频信号输入端,不支持ASIO)输入设备:CABLE Output(输入设备/音频信号输出端)播放端输入音频到该通道,该通道输出音频到录制端。播放 → Virtual Audio ...
在播放选项卡中,确认CABLE Input设备存在 设置监听音频输出 我们必须将CABLE Output设备设置为监听才能从耳机/音箱中听到输入CABLE Input的声音 同样右键点击右下角通知栏的音频喇叭图标,弹出菜单选择声音 在录制选项卡中,找到CABLE Ouput设备,右键点击属性 在属性窗口中,切换到侦听选项卡,勾选和侦听此设备,下面的通过...
例:我原本默认使用输出设备叫做“扬声器(6-ATR USB microphone)”,所以这里应该选择“MME: 扬声器(6-ATR USB microphone)”。 2.如上图,将A2(输出设备2)设置为新增的“MME:CABLE Input(VB-Audio Virtual Cable )”(可能显示不全) 四、更改应用音量和设备首选项 1.依旧打开声音设置页面。对着电脑音量图标单击右...
ASIO支持:部分产品(如Voicemeeter Banana)支持ASIO(Audio Stream Input/Output)驱动程序,提供低延迟的音频处理能力。 vb虚拟声卡的使用场景 直播与录音:在直播或录音时,使用vb虚拟声卡可以将麦克风、游戏或应用程序的声音分开处理,实现更专业的音频控制。 音频制作:在音频制作过程中,通过虚拟声卡可以轻松实现音频的混音、...
VB-CABLE Virtual Audio Device. VB-CABLE is a virtual audio device working as virtual audio cable. All audio coming in the CABLE input is simply forwarded to the CABLE output. Download and Install VB-CABLE Driver Now! New Package:VBCABLE_Driver_Pack45.zip ...
VB-CABLE A+BorVB-CABLE C+D. VB-CABLE Virtual Audio Device. VB-CABLE is a virtual audio device working as virtual audio cable. All audio coming in the CABLE input is simply forwarded to the CABLE output. Download and Install VB-CABLE Driver Now!
VB-CABLE A+BorVB-CABLE C+D. VB-CABLE Virtual Audio Device. VB-CABLE is a virtual audio device working as virtual audio cable. All audio coming in the CABLE input is simply forwarded to the CABLE output. Download and Install VB-CABLE Driver Now!
VB-Audio CABLE A & B are two other Audio Drivers working as two independent Virtual Audio Cable to connect more applications together (for Windows or macOS). Windows Package: VBCABLE_A_B_Driver_Pack43.zip Containing VBCABLE_A_Driver_Pack43.zip & VBCABLE_B_Driver_Pack43.zip ...
Restart the audio engine allows to recognize a new plugged in device or a device switched on back again. VOICEMEETER Virtual Inputs/Outputs The Virtual Audio I/Os support all possible Audio Interfaces and allows connecting any audio applications, including professional audio workstations with ASIO ...
depending on their settings. a virtual audio cable is a useful tool that is best for transferring audio between applications. thus, virtual audio cable is a powerful multimedia driver (virtual audio devices with output and input port) for connecting one or more audio programs to exchange audio ...