Should You Eat for Your Ayurvedic Body Type (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) or the Season? How to Choose the Best Ayurvedic Herbs, Spices, and Foods for Your Digestion Supercharge Your Immunity During Ritusandhi—the Ayurvedic Junction Between Seasons ...
You must avoid all kinds of fried foods, no matter how tempting and you should eat at regular intervals, Irregular, huge meals are to be avoided at all costs. To reduce any excess vata then follow the vata diet and recommendations in your eating and living plan. Always attempt to avoid a...
Over eight years ago Ayurveda came into my life and transformed not only how I felt in my body, but how I understand and experience myself on the deepest and most subtle level. I’m passionate to help as many people as I can open to the truth of who you are – deep peace, joy, ...