After so many problems, VASP lost its market share and became the 4th airline of Brazil, VASP used to be second place. With financial problems, VASP could not buy new airplanes and its fleet was from the 70-80s. This paper aims to study if an old fleet could affect the demand for ...
Ena/VASP proteinscell migrationlamellipodiafilopodiafocal adhesionsCell migration entails protrusion of the front comprising networks and bundles of actin filaments termed lamellipodia and microspikes or filopodia, respectivelyDamiano-Guercio, JuliaKurzawa, Latitia...
Mena/VASPprofilinThere are many different actin networks within a cell, but it is poorly understood how they assemble from a common monomer pool. One emerging concept is that modoi:10.2139/ssrn.3509908Skruber, KristenWarp, PeytonShklyarov, Rachael...