Variation of Mixed Hodge StructureLet $X$ be a compact Khler manifold, $x\\in X$ be a base point and $ho: \\pi_1(X,x) o GL_N(\\mathbb C)$ be the monodromy representation of a $\\mathbb C$-VHS. Building on Goldman–Millson's classical work, we construct a mixed Hodge...
We study the asymptotic behaviour of polarization form in the variation of mixed Hodge structure associated to isolated hypersurface singularities. The contribution characterizes a modification of Grothendieck residue as the polarization on the extended fiber in this case. We also provide a discussion on...
Variation of Hodge structure: The singularities of the period mapping. Invent. Math.22, 211–319 (1973) Google Scholar Steenbrink, J.: Limits of Hodge structures. Invent. Math.31, 229–257 (1976) Google Scholar Zucker, S. Hodge theory with degenerating coefficients:L 2 cohomology in the...
Mixed Hodge modules 849-995 (1988; Zbl 0691.14007) the author showed that a polarizable Hodge module with strict support (i.e. such that the underlying perverse sheaf is an intersection complex) is generically a polarizable variation of Hodge structure. ......
After ∼11 days, a mixed population (referred to as d11hNCC) consisting of hNCCs and neuroectodermal progenitors can be obtained (Figures S1D and S1E). Subsequently, d11hNCC can be expanded for a couple of passages (Prescott et al., 2015), resulting in the elimination of neuroectodermal...
The existence of broadly cross-reactive antibodies that can neutralize diverse HIV-1 isolates (bnAbs) has been appreciated for more than a decade. Many high-resolution structures of bnAbs, typically with one or two well-characterized HIV-1 Env glycoprote
Understanding bark allocation in juvenile stages of commercially viable Pinus trees can be useful in dating wood formation, thus improving the accuracy of
of polarized Hodge structure (because f is not proper-and-smooth). It underlies a mixed Hodge module in the sense of M. Saito [25]. The basic idea is that, under the tameness assumption on f, this module differs from a module underlying a variation of polarized Hodge structure only ...
Statistics. We analyzed fetus sizes and the number of fetuses using general linear mixed models (LMMs) and generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) in R version 3.1.0 using lme4 package R1.1-626,27. GLMMs had either a poisson error structure with log-link function or binomial error ...
Patrick BrosnanFouad ElzeinSteenbrink, J. and S. Zucker. "Variation of mixed Hodge structure I." Inventiones Mathematicae 80, no. 3 (1985): 489-542.J.Steenbrink, S.Zucker, Variation of mixed Hodge structure I, Invent. Math. 80, (1985), 489-542 22...