In this paper it is explained how one can construct non-selfdual 4-dimensional $\\\ell$-adic Galois representations of Hodge type $h^{3,0}=h^{2,1}=h^{1,2}=h^{0,3}=1$, assuming a hypothesis concerning the cohomology of a certain threefold. For one such a representation the firs...
The notion of Hodge algebras or algebras with straightening laws has been proved to be very useful to describe the structure of many important algebras in classical invariant theory and representation theory. In particular, a special type of such algebras introduced by Hibi provides a nice bridge ...
We consider several algebras that arise in the study of the mapping class\ngroup (by means of topology and Hodge theory) and describe their\nsymplectic-invariant parts in terms of algebras on trivalent graphs.Stavros GaroufalidisHiroaki Nakamura...