Multiplier design and performance limits have been addressed. [1] Practical techniques for the characterization and design of varactor diodes and circuits have been developed. [2-6] This work provides the foundation for the design and development of high power varact...
Two heterostructure barrier varactor (HBV) frequency multipliers, a 300 GHz tripler and a 210 GHz quintupler, are designed, fabricated, and tested. The frequency tripler is fabricated with integrated technology, and the quintupler uses flip-chip mounted HBV diodes. The 210 GHz frequency quintuple...
Our products operate from Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) to 40 GHz and beyond. We also offer step recovery diodes, harmonic generator varactors and multiplier diodes.
Our products operate from Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) to 40 GHz and beyond. We also offer step recovery diodes, harmonic generator varactors and multiplier diodes.
To improve the sensitivity while maintaining its broadband characteristics, we propose a tunable local electric field enhancement resonator loaded with varactor diodes. Simulation results show that the tunable frequency covers from 305 MHz to 455 MHz and the electric field enhancement multiplier is higher...
Jones, "Accurate design equations for 50-600 GHz GaAs Schottky diode varactor frequency doublers," IEEE Trans. Elec- tron Devices, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 1876-1882, Sep. 1998.R. E. Lipsey and S. H. Jones, "Accurate design equations for 50-600 GHz GaAs Schottky diode varactor ...
capacitance is present at least approximately at full extent, and an alternating voltage that is applied at the series connection of the varactor diodes, which is at a higher frequency compared to the control voltage, is distributed preferably at least approximately uniformly to the varacter diodes...
Diodes,DMOS Transistors,Bipolar Silicon Transistors,JFET Transistors,MOSFET Transistors,Thyristors,Unijunction Transistors,Complex Discrete Devices,Optoelectronic Devices,Integrated Circuits,AVALANCHE DIODES,BACKWARD DIODES,BRIDGE RECTIFIERS,CHIP DIODES,
Whisker contacted GaAs Schottky varactor diodes are the most common high-frequency multiplier element in use today. They have been used in heterodyne receivers for ground based, airborne and space applications. Although the whisker contacted Schottky varactor diodes have proven very effective, there ...
(bbBNN) devices for frequency multiplier applications. A tripling efficiency of 3.3% has been achieved using these devices in a 200 GHz crossed waveguide mount. This is the first experimental result with a bbBNN waveguide frequency multiplier. A technique has been developed for characterizing planar...