VanillaPlus Texture Pack 1.15 is a vanilla resource pack for Minecraft 1.15. Focused heavily on delivering a loyal experience to default Minecraft, VanillaPlus looks to improve and develop the vanilla Minecraft experience. Including new textures, GUI tweaks and so much more, this is a fantastic op...
Vanilla Plus Shaders 1.14.4Enhances the Default Minecraft Experience.Vanilla Plus Shaders 1.14.4takes the vanilla Minecraft experience and tweaks it a little bit. This is the perfect shader for those that want to stay as true to the vanilla experience possible, but still want a bit of extra...
Here's my design principles for this pack to show everything I plan on adding to this: - Fix Inconsistencies, fix every texture and model bug a resource pack can fix and also logical inconsistencies - Art Style Consistency, Minecraft's current default pack isn't entirely consistent. Some mod...
usingMicrosoft.Xna.Framework;usingTerraria;usingTerraria.ID;usingTerraria.ModLoader;namespaceExampleMod.Items{classShadowbeamStaffClone:ModItem{// Remove this and the Item.color line in SetDefaults once you make your own sprite/texture.publicoverridestringTexture=>"Terraria/Item_"+ItemID.ShadowbeamStaff...
You can find a link to the mod here, and more information about it through the Minecraft RTX discord. It also includes many tweaks to improve the experience inside and outside of the game! Tweaks: Defined PBR includes several optional visual tweaks to the resource pack as Pack Addons, for...
This is a simple vanilla texture pack/conversion for RTX on Minecraft Windows 10 Edition! It's for the most part an exact conversion, and all non-moving things have been converted. Everything has had special care, and tweaking put into it! :) ...