VanillaPlus Texture Pack 1.15 is a vanilla resource pack for Minecraft 1.15. Focused heavily on delivering a loyal experience to default Minecraft, VanillaPlus looks to improve and develop the vanilla Minecraft experience. Including new textures, GUI tweaks and so much more, this is a fantastic op...
Shader Tweaks and ENB Settings: VisualV's ENB Series config for the latest version of ENBSeries which enables the enhanced screen-space reflections (performance loss), ReShade preset (performance loss), Vanilla Vehicle Glass Shaders, VisualV Chrome Shader ...
Vanilla Plus Shaders 1.14.4Enhances the Default Minecraft Experience.Vanilla Plus Shaders 1.14.4takes the vanilla Minecraft experience and tweaks it a little bit. This is the perfect shader for those that want to stay as true to the vanilla experience possible, but still want a bit of extra...
- Vanilla Building Blocks, I may make tweaks to them but I will not be drastically changing them. I don't want your builds to look too different with this pack on. Please don't request adding other people's assets. Most of the time the answer is no, I like making the assets myself...
{publicoverridestringTexture=>"Terraria/Item_"+ItemID.ShadowbeamStaff;publicoverridevoidSetStaticDefaults(){Item.staff[Type]=true;}publicoverridevoidSetDefaults(){Item.CloneDefaults(ItemID.ShadowbeamStaff);Item.color=Color.Purple;// This just tweaks the weapon sprite in inventory, just so we know ...
Texture changes-Now fully compatible with DX10 by removing the upscaled weapon textures from the base download. They have been moved to the enhanced texture pack addon. DX9 is still recommended for general bug fixes.-Removed mipmaps from the UI/HUD textures so they display correctly on when us...
But yeah the previous version has been outdated for YEARS. This one's back, fresh (again again), and more ready than ever! With completely overhauled fog, textures, and water.. As well as a lot of fixes and tweaks! Installation
Tweaks: Defined PBR includes several optional visual tweaks to the resource pack as Pack Addons, for those who would prefer a different look than the one provided by the base resource pack: Pack Addons: One thing you should note is that currently due to a bug it is impossible for any RT...