C.A. HartJournal of Hospital InfectionCooke RW,Nycyk JA,Okuonghuae H,et al.Low-dose vancomycin prophylaxis reduces coagulase-negative staphylococcal bacteraemia in very low birthweight infants. Journal of Hospital Infection . 1997Cooke RW, Nycyk JA, Okuonghar H, Shah V, Damjanovic V, Hart...
Perioperative Prophylaxis†Cardiac, Neurosurgical, Orthopedic, Thoracic (Noncardiac), or Vascular Surgery† IV A single 15-mg/kg dose given IV.Because vancomycin should be infused over 1–2 hours, start the infusion within 120 minutes prior to the time of incision....
Prophylaxis of infection in cardiac, thoracic, and arterial procedures; craniotomy; joint replacement; amputation 15 mg/kg IV over 1-2 hours; begin administration within 2 hours before incision; duration of prophylaxis for most procedures should be less than 24 hours Dosing Modifications Renal impairm...
High-dose aprotinin with gentamicin- vancomycin antibiotic prophylaxis increases blood concentrations of creatinine and cystatin C in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. Br J Anaesth. 1999;82(4):531-6.Mercieri M,Mercieri A,Tritapepe L. High-dose aprotinin with gentamicin-vancomycin ...