Van der Waals epitaxyreflection high energy electron diffractionlattice constantsUltrathin layered metal dihalide films (PbI 2 , CdI 2 ) were grown on highly lattice mismatched (max. 44%) surfaces of several layered materials (LM's) and their growth features were studied by reflection high ...
Recently, a novel method termed as “van der Waals (vdW) epitaxy” provides promise to solve both above-mentioned difficulties. By introducing 2D materials between substrate and epitaxy layer, the crystal quality could be improved due to the 2D buffer layer and the release of epitaxy layer is ...
Double-sided van der Waals epitaxy across an ultrathin membrane provides a new method for growing a vertical junction with an atomically sharp interface, enabling the direct detection of selection rules for resonant tunnelling between topological surface states.Nature Publishing Group UKNature Materials...
Koma, A. Van der Waals epitaxy for highly lattice-mismatched systems. J. Cryst. Growth 201, 236–241 (1999). Article Google Scholar Chu, Y. H. et al. Domain control in multiferroic BiFeO3 through substrate vicinality. Adv. Mater. 19, 2662–2666 (2007). Article CAS Google Scholar Ng...
X-ray diffraction/ van der Waals epitaxial growthbismuth doped lead iodide single crystalvapour methodX-ray diffractionPbI 2:Bi / A6855 Thin film growth, structure, and epitaxy A8115J Ion plating and other vapour deposition / PbI2:Bi/ss Bi/ss I2/ss Pb/ss I/ss PbI2/bin I2/bin Pb/bin...
Van der Waals epitaxy—a new epitaxial growth method for a highly lattice-mismatched system. Thin Solid Films 216, 72–76 (1992). 8. Boschker, J. E. et al. Surface reconstruction-induced coincidence lattice formation between two-dimensionally bonded materials and a three-dimensionally bonded ...
Epitaxial films of layered substrates can be prepared onto layered substrates even for large lattice mismatch, when the growth is attempted with the Van der Waals surfaces opposing each other (Van der Waals epitaxy). Thin epitaxial InSe(GaSe) films are prepared onto ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) ...
axes of metal dihalides align with one of the main crystal axes of the substrates so as to minimize incommensurateness, which indicates that the lattice constant ratio between an overgrown and a substrate materials is a determining factor for the in-plane orientation in van der Waals epitaxy. ...
Thin epitaxial films of InSe were grown by MBE on the van der Waals (0001) surface of n-doped MoTe2 crystals. The interface was characterized in situ by XPS, UPS and LEED and ex situ by X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. The LEED pattern shows clearly epitaxial growth of the InSe ...
关键词 2D PbSe PHOTODETECTORS Van der Waals epitaxy Current rectification Van der Waals heterostructures 范德瓦尔斯 光电探测器 硒化铅 外延技术 光电转换效率 二维材料 外延生长 探测率 分类号 TB34 [一般工业技术—材料科学与工程] 登录即可查看详情 Science...