Discover Van Cleef & Arpels' universe and its High Jewelry, Jewelry, Engagement and Watches creations.
Van Cleef & ArpelsFounded at Paris's 22 Place Vendôme in 1906, Van Cleef & Arpels came into being following Estelle Arpels' marriage to Alfred Van Cleef in 1895. Over the decades, the excellence of the High Jewellery Maison established its reputation across the world. Today, the house ...
Lot n° 187 187 5000 - 6000 EUR VAN CLEEF AND ARPELS - Lot 187 VAN CLEEF AND ARPELS ENSEMBLE COMPOSÉ D'UNE BROCHE ET D'UN PENDENTIF assortis "lionceau" en or jaune et émail. (Petit manque d'émail noir). (Le plus petit monté en pendentif n'est plus signé). ...
最后,Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝还为当代典故续写崭新篇章,继威廉•莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)的《仲夏 夜之梦》(Midsummer Night's Dream)和《罗密欧与茱丽叶》 (Romeo and Juliet)、儒勒•凡尔纳(Jules Verne)的《非凡之旅》(Extraordinary Voyages)、查尔斯•佩罗 (Charles Perrault)的《驴皮公主》(Donkey...
High jewellery, undercut with a rich heritage, is given a modern twist when styled with denim. Here, Van Cleef & Arpels jewels, both archival and current, ably demonstrate the timeless outcome in
自1949年诞生以来,皮埃尔・雅宝先生的隽永设计历经光阴洗礼,Pierre Arpels腕表低调雅诉荏苒光阴。#梵克雅宝时间的诗篇 #梵克雅宝 42 姿态万千的繁花肆意盛放,错落有致,萦绕于Millefiori项链。Jardin de la rose戒指镶嵌多彩宝石再现佛罗伦萨玫瑰花园中的绚烂色彩。#梵克雅宝高级珠宝 #梵克雅宝 ...
Van Cleef & Arpels turn toward uncharted waters for our November ‘Legacy’ issue With L’Île au Trésor, their latest High Jewellery collection, the Maison reimagines seafaring lore into modern iconography. Fashion/Watches & Fine Jewellery ...
Van Cleef & Arpels' immersive London exhibition takes visitors inside the watchmaking world In Van Cleef & Arpels’ high jewellery, the archival meets the au courant L’École Van Cleef & Arpels is school of hard rocks Van Cleef & Arpels brings the myths of the Black Forest to life ...
#梵克雅宝四叶幸运系列# Van Cleef & Arpels 自世家悉心甄选宝石,赋予成套作品和谐之韵。以指尖流光闪耀的Alhambra系列白母贝戒指,演绎珍贵非凡的幸运华彩。访问 探索更多珠宝臻品。#购爱...
[珠宝之家 品牌资讯]1910年,Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝创立后的第四年,安德烈·苏亚雷斯(André Suarès)的意大利游记正式出版。《雇佣兵游记》(Le Voyage du Condottière)是一段穿梭于这个“靴形半岛”各个文化重镇 (威尼斯、佛罗伦萨及那不勒斯)的壮游之旅,深入探索文艺复兴巨匠:列奥纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo de Vin...