Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅寶憑藉精湛工藝、創意巧思和卓越品質,陪伴您度過生命中的幸福時刻。 步入雋永的世界 世家作品 探索不同款式的作品 項鍊及吊墜 手鏈及手鐲 耳環 戒指 腕錶 胸針 袖扣 媒體室 展覽- 2024年10月31日 L’ÉCOLE 珠寶藝術學院(上海)呈獻全新「紙上珠璣:溯源珠寶設計」展覽 ...
Discover Van Cleef & Arpels' universe and its High Jewelry, Jewelry, Engagement and Watches creations.
Van Cleef & Arpels Opens Third Boutique in NYC A historical landmark on the corner of 62nd Street and Madison Avenue, the new location is a complement to… By Thomas Waller Dec 5, 2024, 4:27pm AccessoriesJewelry New Exhibit Explores Heyday of Natural Pearls in Paris ...
梵克雅宝 梵克女士 Van Cleef & Arpels Van Cleef, 1993 品牌:梵克雅宝 香调:花香东方调 前调:英国金盏花白松香橙花油树莓香柠檬 中调:天竺葵橙花茉莉玫瑰 后调:零陵香豆香草檀香木雪松麝香 属性:女香 调香师:Pascal Giraux 标签:芳香植物甜清新辛辣树脂...
新品 ZENITH真力时倾力呈献CHRONOMASTER旗舰系列Revival A3818复刻版碳纤维腕表 蒂芙尼北京SKP精品店焕新启幕 GP芝柏表Laureato桂冠系列计时码表阿斯顿·马丁限量款 颠覆想象,创领潮流!G-SHOCK携全新GA-V01,一同开放V世界 宝珀艺术大师腕表:细节之处见品位,匠心独运显尊贵 ...
Van Cleef & Arpels Ambre Impérial, Eau de parfum - 75ml €180.00 Van Cleef & Arpels Bois d'Iris, Eau de parfum - 75ml €180.00 Van Cleef & Arpels California Rêverie, Eau de parfum - 75ml €180.00 Van Cleef & Arpels Eau de parfum Orchidée Vanille - 75ml €180.00 Van Cleef &...
first created in 1950, is one of Van Cleef & Arpels' most famous designs and can be worn as both an open necklace and a closed bracelet. The Rich Diamonds of Bond Street selection of pre-loved Van Cleef & Arpels jewellery showcases the brand's signature between the finger rings, vintage...
VanCleefArpels梵克雅宝 2月10日 17:00 来自微博网页版 Dance Reflections By Van Cleef & Arpels “梵克雅宝舞蹈映像”项目持续对于陶身体剧场的倾力支持,陶身体剧场2团全新阵容亮相上海浦东美术馆,由陶身体三位创团艺术家陶冶、段妮、王好以及影像艺术家范西共同策划,带来面向公众的首个沉浸式艺术现场项目“动作世...
官网 1906 2007 梵克雅宝 (Van Cleef & Arpels) 是诞生于1906年、由二位创始人美好姻缘而起的法国著名奢侈品品牌,自百多年之前第一件Van Cleef & Arpels珠宝诞生以来,便一直是世界各国贵族和名流雅士所钟爱的顶级珠宝品牌。
Van Cleef & ArpelsFounded at Paris's 22 Place Vendôme in 1906, Van Cleef & Arpels came into being following Estelle Arpels' marriage to Alfred Van Cleef in 1895. Over the decades, the excellence of the High Jewellery Maison established its reputation across the world. Today, the house ...