Rice also has good blocking, filtering and adsorption effects on air dust and can effectively purify the air and improve the atmospheric environment. The blocking effects on SO2, nitrogen oxide and dust are generally considered to be beneficial. A PFE can precipitate, remove, absorb and degrade ...
In order to solve thedominant set selection problem, we propose to proceed as follows: (1) extract preferences over single objects based on preferences over objects’ features; (2) rank all possible sets of objects; and (3) select the most preferred and feasible set of objects. For that, ...
This Annual Report on Form 10-K contains forward-looking statements that are contained principally in the sections entitled “Our Business,”“Risk Factors,” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.” These statements involve known and unknown risks...
systems Article The Complementary Perspective of System of Systems in Collaboration, Integration, and Logistics: A Value-Chain Based Paradigm of Supply Chain Management Raed Jaradat 1,*, Frank Adams 2, Sawsan Abutabenjeh 3 and Charles Keating 4 1 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, ...
water Article The Value of Hydrologic Information in Reservoir Outflow Decision-Making Kebing Chen 1, Shenglian Guo 1,* , Shaokun He 1, Tao Xu 2, Yixuan Zhong 1 and Sirui Sun 3 1 State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, ...
water Article Enhancing the Economic Value of Large Investments in Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) through Inclusion of Ecosystems Services Benefits Santiago Urrestarazu Vincent 1,2, Mohanasundar Radhakrishnan 1 ID , Laszlo Hayde 1 and Assela Pathirana 1,* ID 1 Water Science and Engineering ...
These results give no information about the state of a certain object, which can be important in electrical engineering (e.g., the probability of failure of a large transformer vs. real state/condition of that transformer). 1.2. Use of Physical and Mathematical Models The physical models of ...
rnTcdhheuqSusLeeSrsstdiooenvf set:hloWeptehodaotfloi?sr this the purpose has performance been reported in detail of the SLS tool in real coTnhdeitoiobnjes?ctWivheaot ifstthhiesfseteuddbayckwoafsetnodeuvsaelrus aotfethtehetopole?rformance of the SLS under field conditions. This is imThpe...
Egypt achieved good progress in developing new wheat cultivars with high yield potential and developing good agricultural practices to maximize grain yield per unit area. Expanding wheat areas is limited due to the scarcity of water resources. In addition to losses in the imported wheat, the ...
The study therefore underscores the added value of bias correction as a practice for improving the rainfall representation in high-resolution RPs before long-term rainfall erosivity assessment, particularly in data-scarce regions vulnerable to land degradation. Keywords: bias correction; rainfall; ...