STOP RUN. IBM COBOL for Linux1.2.0compile started 0LineID Message code Message text 6 IGYDS1089-S "WHEN" was invalid. Scanning was resumed at the next area "A" item, level-number, or the start of the next clause. -Messages Total Informational Warning Error Severe Terminating 0Printed: 1...
There is a common numeric data type used in COBOL called "Signed" (also called "IBM Signed", or "Zoned"). COBOL represents this type of field by an "S" in the picture clause of a display format field, e.g. PIC S9(6). A Signed field is composed of regular numeric characters, on...
VALUE 子句指定資料項目的起始內容或與 condition-name 相關聯的值。 VALUE 子句的使用會因指定它的 DATA DIVISION 區段而有所不同。 在除condition-name 項目以外的項目中,於 FILE SECTION 或 LINKAGE SECTION 中使用的 VALUE 子句已勾選 語法,但不會影響程式的執行。 在WORKING-STORAGE SECTION 和 LOCAL-STORAGE...
in conforming SQL language, the declared element type of a multiset operand of a multiset element grouping operation shall not be ST-ordered. Subclause 7.2, "<row value expression>": <row value expression> ::= <row value special case> | <explicit row value constructor> Subclause 6.4...
This code will fail in compilation itself as the value clause is not compatible with the type. If you still have doubts try it out. Was this answer useful? Yes 2 Replysoumya Aug 24th, 2007 invalid will not take the values Was this answer useful? Yes Reply...
To INSERT NULL Values for COL2(Don't include COL2 in a query) Use following Query Code: INSERT INTO table-name (COL1,COL3) VALUES (:host-var1,:host-var3) 3) Use Comma(,) in VALUE Clause like Code: INSERT INTO table-name (COL1,COL2,COL3) VALUES (:host-var1, ,:...