在本文中,我们将一步一步地回答有关COBOL中"argumentvalue is argval"的用法。 首先,"argumentvalue isargval"是COBOL中定义参数值的一种方式。它用于声明和初始化一个参数,并将其值赋给一个名为"argval"的变量。这种用法在COBOL中的子程序或函数中经常使用,以便传递参数和执行相关操作。 为了更好地理解这个...
在COBOL 中,可以将正确数据类型的任何数据名称用于任何自变量。 对于 data-value,您还可以使用可转换为正确类型的常量。 ADDRESS 专用寄存器可用于 指针引用 和指针值,而 LENGTH 专用寄存器可用于采用 data-value的长度参数。 下表指示如何定义正确的数据类型。 数据类型COBOL 定义 半字二进制 PIC S9(4) COMP 全字...
ARGUMENT-VALUE IS 呼び名2. 引数の数、値は、ACCEPT文で取り出します。 ACCEPT データ名1 FROM 呼び名1. ← 引数の数 ACCEPT データ名2 FROM 呼び名2. ← 1つ目の引数 ACCEPT データ名3 FROM 呼び名2. ← 2つ目の引数 : DISPLAY文で取り出す引数の位置を指定することができます。
You can then use the argument-1 variable to access the value of the first argument. Example. The following COBOL program accepts two command-line arguments and prints them to the console: IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. command-line-args. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 argument...
ACCEPT WS-ARG-VALUE FROM ARGUMENT WS-COUNT. DISPLAY "获取到的参数是: " WS-ARG-VALUE。 END-PERFORM. STOP RUN. 这段代码,就像是一个小小的指令集。它告诉程序“开始获取参数”。然后,它通过一些神奇的魔法语句,把参数的数量记下来,再一个一个地把参数拿出来,最后显示给你看“获取到的参数是: ”后面跟...
Choose the COBOL2 option if you are re-translating old programs which were written in such a way that they require the use of temporary variables. In particular, note that the use of temporary variables might circumvent errors that would normally occur when an argument value in a program is ...
Appendix J—Code-Set Translation Tables lists each ASCII and EBCDIC hexadecimal value and its corresponding numeric, alphabetic or control character. Appendix K—Troubleshooting RM/COBOL presents troubleshooting tips for some common problems that might occur when running RM/COBOL on different systems. ...
01 WW-CURR-DATE-1 PIC 9(08) VALUE 16010102. 01 WW-INT-DATE PIC 9(08) VALUE ZEROES. COMPUTE WW-INT-DATE = FUNCTION INTEGER-OF-DATE(WW-CURR-DATE-1) DISPLAY ‘INT DATE–>’WW-INT-DATE Output : INT DATE–>00000002 6. INTEGER-OF-DAY It finds the integer value of a given date....
Variable which stores factorial value has type 9(15), i.e., a number of 15 digits. Command MULTIPLY multiplies first argument by second and (counter-intuitively) puts the result into the second argument. Command DISPLAY puts a newline after the printed value, so one has to concatenate the...
(8770) • In .NET environments, ACCEPT FROM DAY-OF-WEEK now returns the correct value on a Sunday. 00368357 (13597) • When using the .NET Runtime, a new tunable, command_line_arguments_unquoted, is now available which when set to true will provide command line argument handling that...