Among small millets, little millet (Panicum miliare L.) is grown throughout India and cooked into rice for consumption. A study was carried out to develop value added products from little millet (LM) by incorporating different levels of raw little millet rice and flour. Suitability of little...
The present study was undertaken on 100 women ofvarious villages of Hisar district of Haryana state who participated invocational training on value-added products from pearl millet organizedby KVK Sadalpur, Hisar. The data indicated that majority of women(97%) had not participated in such ...
A basket of value-added millet versions covering finger millet (ragi); fox tail (navane); little millet; kodo; barnyard, and Proso millet are processed to provide a range of convenient, nutritious, easy to prepare and tasty products. “All the machines and the value-added millet products ar...
The Snowdon II boots – an update on the superstore brand’s popular Snowdon boots – are, perhaps, a step-down from the other two budget leather boots here. If you’ve got the money go for the Hi-Tec or Quechua offerings, as each increase in price point does come with added quality....
Cite article:-Dube M., Nyoni N., Bhebhe S., Maphosa M., Bombom A. (2021). Pearl Millet as a Sustainable Alternative Cereal for Novel Value-added Products in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review . Agricultural Reviews. 42(2): 240-244. doi: 10.18805/ag.R-174. ...
Small Millets and Other Cereals Agricultural Output Value: 1999-2000p: Constant Price: by States: Foodgrains: Cereals: Wheat Agricultural Output Value: 1999-2000p: Constant Price: by States: Foodgrains: Pulses: Gram Agricultural Output Value: 1999-20...
Sub Category-1 Agricultural Input Survey Cereals and Millets Input Output Transactions Value of Output from Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Value of Output from Mining and Quarrying Year 2010 All Years ResultState-wise Value of Output from Vermiculite in India {(At Current Prices) (2004-2005 ...
Small Millets Agricultural Output Value: 1993-1994p: Constant Price: by States: Foodgrains: Cereals: Wheat Agricultural Output Value: 1993-1994p: Constant Price: by States: Foodgrains: Pulses: Gram Agricultural Output Value: 1993-1994p: Cons...
Small Millets and Other Cereals Agriculture Output Value: 2004-2005p: Constant Price: by States: Foodgrains: Cereals: Wheat Agriculture Output Value: 2004-2005p: Constant Price: by States: Foodgrains: Pulses: Gram Agriculture Outpu...
Nutritional, functional and textural properties of healthy snacks formulation from hulled and hull-less barley Article 07 February 2018 References Aliya S, Geervani P (1981) An assessment of the protein quality and vitamin B contents of commonly used fermented products of legumes and millets. J...