Movement Error Firing Error Crosshair in Valorant - available options Example of a crosshair in Valorant Movement Error By enabling this option, your crosshair will change dynamically as the character moves. This will allow you to easily know at which point your character has the best accuracy and...
Crosshair Crosshair Color White Outlines On Off Outline Opacity Outline Thickness Center Dot On Off Center Dot Opacity Center Dot Thickness Override Firing Error Offset With Crosshair Offset On Off Override All Primary Crosshairs With My Primary Crosshair ...
Firing Error: Expands the crosshair to show the inaccuracy in your aim caused by burst firing or spraying with your weapon. Movement Error: Expands the crosshair to show the inaccuracy in your aim caused due to movement. Having a crosshair with these options can have advantages and downsides. ...
Override Firing Error Offset With My Crosshair Offset: Off Override All Primary Crosshairs With My Crosshair Offset: OffInner LinesShow Inner Lines: On Inner Line Opacity: 1 Inner Line Length: 3 Inner Line Thickness: 1 Inner Line Offset: 2 Movement Error: Off Firing Error: OffOuter...
Fade Crosshair With Firing Error:With this setting enabled, the top line of your crosshair will fade out if you continuously fire with an automatic weapon. Stop firing, and the line will immediately return. Show Spectated Player's Crosshair:Enable this setting to see how other players have set...
· Firing Error: on · Fade Crosshair With Firing Error: off The reason why Movement Error and Firing Error should be set to on is this: as a beginner, you may not realize when you fire while moving or when you fire for more than a few seconds and completely lose control of your aim...
Inner LinesOuter LinesMovement / Firing Error 1 / 6 / 2 / 20 / 0 / 0 / 0Off Shroud VALORANT crosshair settings While Shroud is not a professional VALORANT player, you cannot deny that he has incredible aim. Besides this, he is a former professional CS:GO player and very popular stream...
Firing Error: Off Keybinds Walk: L-Shift Crouch: L-Ctrl Jump: Space Bar/ Mouse Wheel Up Use Object: F Equip Primary Weapon: 1 Equip Secondary Weapon: 2 Equip Melee Weapon: 3 Equip Spike: 4 Use/Equip Ability 1: C Use/Equip Ability 2: Q ...
Crosshair import code:0;s;1;P;h;0;0l;3;0v;4;0o;0;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0;S;c;0;s;0.64 Color:White Outlines:Off Center dot:Off Inner lines:1/3/2/0 Outer lines:0/0/0/0 Movement/firing error:Off/Off mimi Valorant crosshair code ...
Fade Crosshair with Firing Error: On ScreaM’s Crosshair ScreaM, the legendary headshot machine for Karmine Corp, used to use the infamous dot crosshair, which seemed fitting for his one-tap style. But more recently, heading into the 2023 season, he’s adopted a bigger crosshair style as wel...