When you first jump into Riot’sFPS game, newValorantplayers are given a default crosshair that takes up a fair amount of space in the center of the screen. However, we’d always recommend making your crosshair much smaller than this default option, as it keeps your sightlines as clear as...
Fire off those headshots with unerring accuracy with 100T Asuna's crosshair code. Hiko's crosshair code Crosshair code: 0;P;c;1;h;0;d;1;z;1;0t;1;0l;2;0a;1;0f;0;1l;5;1o;4;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0 Hiko may have turned to streaming, but the former CS pro's setup is still com...
Error Power (also known as Centre Biasing for us) is a tool we utilize to reward accuracy by biasing shots toward the centre of the crosshair. While this system is functioning as intended for stationary firing, it’s been unintentionally aiding firing while on the move. We’ve significantly...
Show Inner Lines: Off Motion Error: Off Fire Error: Off Outer Lines Show Outer Lines: Off Motion Error: Off Fire Error: Off Import Code:0;P;c;5;u;896413FF;o;1;d;1;z;3;s;0;m;1;0b;0;1b;0 Want to see the pros in action? Tune intoRed Bull Home Ground. ...
Fade Crosshair With Firing Error:With this setting enabled, the top line of your crosshair will fade out if you continuously fire with an automatic weapon. Stop firing, and the line will immediately return. Show Spectated Player's Crosshair:Enable this setting to see how other players have set...
Hold the fire button to steer the Prowler in the direction of your crosshair. Haunt –Equip a nightmarish entity. Fire to throw the orb, which will plummet to the ground after a set amount of time. Upon hitting the ground, the orb will turn into a nightmarish entity that will reveal ...
· Firing Error: on · Fade Crosshair With Firing Error: off The reason why Movement Error and Firing Error should be set to on is this: as a beginner, you may not realize when you fire while moving or when you fire for more than a few seconds and completely lose control of your aim...
I also recommend that you disable any kind of dynamic crosshair. A dynamic crosshair is a crosshair that moves whenever you move or fire your rifle. It might be a good indication of your accuracy but at the same time it will be distracting and it will hurt your muscle memory (this includ...
Fade Crosshair with Firing Error: Off Show Spectated Player’s Crosshair: On Disable Crosshair: Off Inner Lines: Show Inner Lines: On Inner Lines Opacity: 1 Inner Lines Length: 1 Inner Lines Thickness: 4 Inner Lines Offset: 2 Movement Error: Off Firing Error: On Outer Lines: Show Outer ...
A crosshair strictly for trolling, the smiley face crosshair is still fun to use. After patch 3.03, the crosshair customizer in the game got much better with newly added functionalities like multiple crosshair profiles, sniper crosshairs, and ADS crosshairs. Using these features, the Valorant commun...