輸入以下指令開啟偵錯模式,啟用後可飛行、無限且無耗損進行製作、斬殺所有生物。 debugmode 按鍵說明 Z:開關飛行 B:開關無限製作 K:斬殺所有生物 地圖全開 輸入以下指令將世界的地圖全部探索,點擊 Enter 後會卡頓數秒為正常現象。 exploremap 也可以將地圖重置,全部變回迷霧地區。 resetmap 鎖血無敵 輸入以下指令可...
Map is now closed after using debugmode teleport There is now a toggle in Gameplay Settings for “Attack towards look direction”, if this is toggled off, attacks will instead be made in the direction the camera is facing Modding: IMonoUpdater no longer requires to be inherited from and err...
With cheats enabled, you can enter commands into the console and look for responses to tell if they're working. Debug Mode - Free Build First, if you're looking for the chance to just go nuts on building, use the command "debugmode". That'll remove a bunch of restrictions ...
To enter creative mode and build a Maypole, players will need to enter the codedebugmode. They should see confirmation in the console that reads "Debugmode True" if this was input properly. Next, players will need anupgraded Workbench nearby. Since it is most likely players will want their...
STREAMER MODE UPDATES Players can now individually block company invites, group invites, friend invites, coin transfer, trade requests, duel requests and chat direct messages. Choosing the full “Do Not Disturb” will turn of all in-coming notifications. ...