If you know how to do it, you can alter Valheim to give yourself powerful weapons, enable god mode, and more. Here's what you need to do.
Automatic debug mode (default:false, key:auto_debugmode): Automatically turns debug mode on/off when devcommands are enabled or disabled. Automatic devcommands (default:true, key:auto_devcommands): Automatically tries to enable devcommands when joining servers. ...
Added console command setfuel to fill all nearby lights to specified fuel Map is now closed after using debugmode teleport There is now a toggle in Gameplay Settings for “Attack towards look direction”, if this is toggled off, attacks will instead be made in the direction the camera is fa...
Automatic debug mode (default:false, key:auto_debugmode): Automatically turns debug mode on/off when devcommands are enabled or disabled. Automatic devcommands (default:true, key:auto_devcommands): Automatically tries to enable devcommands when joining servers. ...
Automatic debug mode (default:false, key:auto_debugmode): Automatically turns debug mode on/off when devcommands are enabled or disabled. Automatic devcommands (default:true, key:auto_devcommands): Automatically tries to enable devcommands when joining servers. ...
Automatic debug mode (default:false, key:auto_debugmode): Automatically turns debug mode on/off when devcommands are enabled or disabled. Automatic devcommands (default:true, key:auto_devcommands): Automatically tries to enable devcommands when joining servers. ...