I finetuned a model fromyolov7-w6-pose.ptwith coco dataset and custom dataset(1/4 percent) , but the results show that bbox prediction is not good enough( single person with multi bbox) , and the learning rate curve looks wrong. Train loss and val loss also looks not good. Hyper ...
为什么loss和val_loss会上下波动呢?虽然整体在下降,为什么会有上升的情况呢? 分享8赞 使命召唤手游吧 战术龟 AS VAL-双刃剑圣 返场是肯定要返场了,这都不需要多说,已经有人解包游戏内的文件看到了相关内容,贴吧官方已经多次开话题讨论以及做营销测试,随着时间点也紧邻周年庆,也该出来和大家见见面了。但是我希望在...
As the image shows below, there are disorders on the Y-axis of val/box_loss, val/obj_loss and val/cls_loss. And matplotlib output the following warning: Using categorical units to plot a list of strings that are all parsable as floats or dates. If these strings should be plotted as ...
(1, "Fb.dat", OpenMode.Output) For i = 0 To 9 ListBox1.Text = "Fib(" & i & ")=" & n(i) Next FileClose(1) End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim n(9) As Integer, i% Dim j() As ...