Defines a helper class for operations performed on a V4L2 Element plane. This derived class is modeled on the planes of a V4L2 Element. It provides convenient wrapper methods around V4L2 IOCTLs associated with plane operations such as VIDIOC_G_FMT/VIDIOC_S_FMT, VIDIOC_REQBUFS, VIDIOC_STREAMON... v4l2拿到YUYV数据,无memcpy给到drm(配置plane支持显示YUYV)上屏显示,VSYNC 上传者:camphor_tree时间:2022-01-15 V4L2 摄像头应用编程-I.MX6U嵌入式Linux C应用编程学习笔记基于正点原子阿尔法开发板 V4L2(Video for Linux Two)是Linux内核中的视频设备驱动框架,为视频类设备(如摄像头)提供统一接...