Go beyond rendering. V-Ray is packed with tools that let you fine-tune and finish your renders without needing an extra app. Composite render layers, make color corrections, and instantly adjust lighting in the V-Ray Frame Buffer. See all features > ...
V-Ray is a powerful rendering plugin for SketchUp, crafted to help designers, architects, and creators transform their SketchUp models into lifelike visuals. From initial concept sketches to photorealistic renders, V-Ray supports you at every stage of the design process, enabling you to communicate...
And V-Ray is theworld's #1 rendering softwarefor architectural visualization. Put them together and you've got the perfect combo to take your SketchUp model to the next level. Create photorealistic renders. With rendering features such as true-to-life lights, cameras, and materials, rendering wi...
V-Ray Swarm is a simple and powerful distributed rendering system. V-Ray Render Nodes currently support V-Ray Swarm on the following applications: V-Ray for SketchUp Learn more > V-Ray for Revit Learn more > V-Ray for Rhino Learn more > ...
什么是『可续渲染』resumable rendering? 简单的说,可续算就是能够当渲染没算完,之后可接续渲染 。渲染被打断, 可能是因为外在因素: 例如停电,或是因为使用者需要停止。 在下一版的V-Ray 3.5 service pack,将推出新的『可续算』功能。要怎样使用呢?只需要在VFB设定里面启动Resumable Rendering,或是在独...
This page provides an overview of the V-Ray rendering nodes. OverviewRendering with V-Ray in Nuke is accomplished through the VRayRenderer node. To set up a render with V-Ray, simply replace the Nuke ScanlineRender node in any render setup with the VRayRenderer. The node organizes settings ...
V-Ray GPU is a separate render engine, introduced by Chaos, that utilizes GPU hardware acceleration. You can additionally use it with your CPU or combine CPU and GPU devices for hybrid rendering. Choosing the V-Ray GPU engine changes the available settings. ...
1 从顶部菜单栏打开渲染设置窗口:Rendering——Render Setup(快捷方式F10。)这里提供了一个非常有效的测试渲染设置,如下所示:呈现结果:1 在视口中选择相机,或者在选择视口后按“c”键。这应该切换到您的相机视图。现在,您已准备好进行第一次渲染测试。以下是最终结果:附加提示和信息:1 根据所使用的HDR,...
V-ray can be tricky to learn, so beginners might want to steer clear until they’ve got the hang of other rendering software first. It is one of the most popular 3D rendering engines, which makes it expensive. However, there are certainly cheaper options ofV-Ray alternativesonline. Want to...