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关键词:V.ATPase;肿瘤中图分类号:Q 26文献标识码:AV—ATPase:structure,functi on and r01es i n tum or cel l sLU ) ( i ao—Don91,Q INW en—Xi n扭,YAN G Sheng一“ 1· 2(1School of Li feSci ences,J i 锄gsu U ni versi ty,Zhenj i ang 212013,Chi na;2N ati onal Laboratory...
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7. L. Xu et al., Inhibition of host vacuolar H+-ATPase activity by a Legionella pneumophila effector.PLoS Pathog6, e1000822 (2010). 8. S. H. Roh et al., The 3.5-A CryoEM Structure of Nanodisc-Reconstituted Yeast Va...
原文链接:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05472-9 参考文献 1. Vasanthakumar, T. & Rubinstein, J. L. Structure and roles of V-type ATPases. Trends Biochem. Sci.45, 295–307 (2020).2. Ueno, H., Suzuki, K. & Murata, T. Structure and dynamics of rotary V1 motor. Cell. ...
Fig. 1. Structure of V-ATPase. The V-ATPase complex is composed of a peripheral domain (V1) responsible for ATP hydrolysis and an integral domain (V0) involved in proton translocation across the membrane. The core of the V1 domain is composed of a hexameric arrangement of alternating A ...
Structure and topography of the synaptic V-ATPase–synaptophysin complexCryoelectron tomographySynaptic vesicle exocytosisSynaptic vesicles are organelles with a precisely defined protein and lipid composition1,2, yet the molecular mechanisms for the biogenesis of synaptic vesicles are mainly unknown. Here ...
结构式(Structure) 运输和保存方法 粉末-25~-15℃保存,有效期3年;溶于溶剂,-85~-65℃保存,有效期2年 注意事项 1. 为了您的安全和健康,请穿实验服并戴一次性手套操作。 2. 粉末溶解前请先短暂离心,以保证产品全在管底。 3. 避光干燥保存,避免反复冻融。
1. Vasanthakumar, T. & Rubinstein, J. L. Structure and roles of V-type ATPases.Trends Biochem. Sci.45, 295–307 (2020). 2. Ueno, H., Suzuki, K. & Murata, T. Structure and dynamics of rotary V1 motor.Cell. Mol. Life Sci.75,...
Structure and properties of the clathrin-coated vesicle and yeast vacuolar V-ATPases. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 1999, 31(1): 57-65. [7] Kakinuma Y, Ohsumi Y, Anraku Y. Properties of H+-translocating adenosine triphosphatase in vacuolar membranes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The...