AMADA天田 激光焊接机 MIYACH... 通骏手持式点焊机 货架焊机 碳钢点焊机 ... 供应气动点焊机 水冷 纯铜包 不锈钢 铁... 供应高速 IBC 串焊机产能高电池组件封... 广州回收电焊机公司,佛山废旧电焊机回收 州点焊机光辉禾佳DN-250气动点焊机 < > 产品推荐 ...
申请(专利权)人: BELEN ALFREDO B;BELEN DE AMADA ALA VDA 发明人:BDAA Vda,AB Belen 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 掌桥科研 相似文献A device to aid the teaching of retinoscopy in low-resource countries The article reports on a model eye which is capable of simulating axial...
拥有国际先进的日本AMADA数控板金加工生产线,法国REIS公司焊接机器人,比利时激光切割设备,德国TOX板金铆接机及立式加工中心等一系列现代化的高精度生产设备,具有生产电气成套设备,高、低压电器,电线电缆,仪器仪表和工控自动化设备等300多个系列,5000多种规格产品的生产能力。 集团具有承担国家大中型重点项目的建设经验,有...
申请(专利权)人: AMADA CO LTD 发明人: M Yoshihiro 摘要: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To suppress the vibration and noise so as to perform night operation and to cut a highly precise product without warping, bending, and twisting. ;SOLUTION: A pair of lower blades 1, 1 which are arranged in ...
申请(专利权)人: AMADA CO LTD 发明人: I Shigeru 摘要: PURPOSE: To facilitate punching and especially forming by using the conventional upper die used for a turret punch press, and also, enlarging a feed clearance of the upper turret and the lower turret. ;CONSTITUTION: In the die fitting ...